Turkeys falling out of the sky like wet cement...

9 Oct. 2018
So many things happened, here is a short list just to name a few...
Zone Conference, Exchanges, Temple Trip, General Conference, English Class, General Conference. ( Which was AMAZING).
So this is going to be a long email...so much happened.
Monday was super crazy. We went to Costco for shopping and then emailed...by the time we were done we had a little bit more time...and we planned on doing something fun, but the Elders forgot to buy their bus passes for October..haha So we had to drive them to the station, so they could pick them up. Anyway, we had dinner with a member, Miraku from Japan. She gave us all this Japanese food and snacks. It was pretty good..but weird. I've been trying so many new foods lately!!
Tuesday was THE GREATEST! So Monday night we had the Hermanas stay the night at our apartment...which was a party of its own. Then Tuesday morning we picked up the Zone leaders, and drove us all to the Bayview chapel for Zone conference. It was SUCH A great conference!! President talked a lot about general conference and preparing. I'll give you some highlights of things I learned...
• "Men are that they might have joy" we are not promised that we WILL have joy...because honestly that's up to us! We have to choose the joy.
• "Do you think Christ was a pessimist??" -Sister Shields
• You cannot live your day (or life) in Babylon then hurry over to the city of Enoch when you need revelation. 
Last time I see Sis. Bird! She is going home!
These were some highlights...but my favourite part was the instruction given by the Assistants. They talked about the difference between sowing and reaping. Sowing is trying, and reaping is succeeding. So, when we involve the principle of faith....we must ask ourselves the question..."Do we have the faith to sow (try) or the faith to reap (succeed)? We learn about this in the scriptures. In 1 Nephi 3, after already having made the sacrifice of leaving Jerusalem and traveling in the wilderness, Nephi and his brothers are commanded to return back to Jerusalem to get the brass plates. In this story...we often give Laman and Lemuel grief for murmuring, but we have to acknowledge that they still tried! Laman and Lemuel had the faith to sow! They had faith in themselves, but believed in themselves as they were. They doubted they could actually retrieve the plates. The difference is that Nephi possessed the faith to reap! Nephi believed in Jesus Christ personally, and knew that-- with the help of the Lord-- he could accomplish all things. I could go on forever about what I learned but basically it made me ponder this question and I'll ask all of you...what do you need to change in your life (right now) in order to have more faith to succeed like Nephi?
Then all the missionaries going home this transfer bore their testimonies and I basically just cried through the entire thing...those are my favourite.

After zone conference we drove some missionaries home and grabbed some pizza for us and the Elders before English class. After English class we were able to have a lesson with a referral, Laurel. She met missionaries last year on the bus, gave them her phone number, but then just kind of blew them off and never met up. Recently she's been struggling with addictions and such and wanted to change her life. She prayed for the first time (ever) that she could be able to set into contact with missionaries-- remembering the sister she met over a year ago. The VERY NEXT DAY the sisters in Orangeville were going through their phone and texted her!!! She was then passed to us as a referral and we met up. During the lesson (we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ) she just soaked everything in!! When we started talking about baptism her eyes just lit up and she goes "ugh I want to feel that way. What do I need to do?" So she's getting baptized on October 27th!! ðŸ’—💗 it was such a cool experience oh my goodness. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. It's so cool, because teaching someone is such an amazing experience! Teaching isn't just passing along information...it's inviting someone to repent. It's helping them improve and come closer to God. That's what I love about teaching!
We met Laurel again on Wednesday! We taught the Plan of Salvation and she (once again) just soaked in all the information. She had good questions and seemed more open with us and excited to learn. She is amazing!! 
Trainee Sister Simonsen!
Friday we got to go to the TEMPLE!!! It was such a great session. ðŸ’— Every time I go to the temple, I just feel so lucky and so grateful. It was one of the more insightful times too and the spirit was so strong there. It really helped me prepare for General Conference!
My District at the temple

Saturday was crazy. Can I just say....I WAS RIGHT AND THIS IS CRAZY. literally. I feel like since I've come on my mission everything has just been going crazy. New Preach my Gospel, new mission rules, new prophet, new church schedule, new general conference schedule, new everything!! But it was so amazing to be able to receive some serious spiritual insight during those sessions. We watched all day with Karen (💗) and the Don Mills Sisters + Christie North Hermanas. They are such a party, and we had so much fun! 
Conference with the Don Mills Sisters
Sunday we had an early morning meeting with the Stake Presidency (on conference Sunday right??) But it was good. We watched the first session of conference then exchanged with the Richmond Hill sisters in between sessions-- It wasn't ideal but we had to move them, because we got sick earlier this week. I went with Sister Cho, so that was pretty fun! She is from Korea!

Such an amazing week! I am so grateful for all the experiences I have had and learned throughout my mission! I hope you all have an amazing week! Happy Thanksgiving!

Love Sister St. Onge

quote: "As followers of Jesus Christ, flowing as one in this river of goodness, we will be able to provide "fresh water" of the gospel to a thirsty world." Ulissess Soares


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