" She thinks your the chosen one Harry... I Am THE CHOSEN ONE."

15 Oct 2018

Awesome graffiti!
Hey everyone!
This has been one of the busiest weeks of my life!
We had 3 exchanges. After the second exchange this week I went to Bayview with Sister Morgan. She is from Salem, Oregon. I went back into Mandarin work, it was super fun! I learned a bit more this time, but it is still very limited haha!I can now say I am a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Would you like to come to English class? That is the extent of my Mandarin. Sister Morgan is cool, she has only been out two transfers, and she can have a pretty good conversation in Mandarin without missing a beat. So the gift of tongues is real! That was pretty cool to experience!

We were riding the bus and I met this lady from Turkey on the way to our apartment, and she was super nice, but I didn't get to talk to her for very long. An hour later we got back on the same bus, and she was headed home, but she saw me and we talked the whole way!She was like I dont think it's a coincidence that we are seeing each other again. Her 4 year old son has leukemia and is going through treatment. She is like;"Let me give you my number, I would love it if you could stop by! It was really amazing!

The next exchange was with Sister Aubin, and she is from France! We have had 3 of the same companions, but we have never served around each other, so that was pretty fun! So many miracles! It's interesting, I feel like my whole mission I have served around pretty much the same group of people. We kind of just slowly move around, and then there are some people that I have never met and just see randomly at meetings. There are so many new missionaries, It's' crazy, I feel like I don't know anyone anymore, since everyone is going home! It's so weird!

Yesterday we were all over the city, but there was a cool event happening at the church. They had Mark Twain come and speak, so that was cool. We got to help set up, but we actually had a lesson with Laurel. She is so cool. We also brought a member teaching with us, who is actually from Alberta! Shoutout to Kerryn from Okotoks! It went really well, and Laurel is really excited to get baptized!

Sunday was pretty great, Laurel cane to church, and she really loved it. After we went downtown to dinner with . She is really cool! She does special effects for movies, and she just finished a "Series of Unfortunate Events" so that's pretty cool. She had a Harry Potter themed dinner the night before, so we had pumpkin pasties and butter bear and deathly hallow chicken pot pies. I am blessed! Pretty great day!

It has been a really crazy week but we have really seen God's hand more and more. Also all the General Conference talks are already out! That was the fastest I have ever seen that happen, so crazy! They were all so amazing, and I would love to hear the things that you have learned, or that stuck out to you! I know God guides us through a Prophet and the Apostles today, and that ''He is anxiously waiting to reveal the secrets of the universe!"Love you all have an amazing week!

Quote: "Though you may feel that no one can understand the depth of your despair, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, understands"

Love Sister Leilani St. Onge

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To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...