Brace yourself for another transfer in the Bridge

26 march, 2018

Brace yourself for another transfer in the Bridge

 Hey Everyone!

Sign for Parry Sound, Ontario. It is in my area and we were tracting there last week.
 It has been a pretty great week! Not a lot has happened. but a bunch of members gave me a bunch of stuff because they thought I was leaving so that was cool! I love free stuff.

1.) We spent last P-day with members who drove us to Barrie, because there are no good stores up here... but it was a lot of fun! I scared Peggy so many times! I ran up behind her in Michaels and she was like; " I almost died!"  Wendi told us she has been jumpy all week! So that was pretty funny. 
Tim Horton's Memorial camp for Children's foundation in Parry Sound, Ontario
2.) We were dropping by a former. who no longer lived at the house, but there was a couple sitting outside and so we talked to them. The wife doesn't believe in God, but the husband grew up Catholic and no longer attends. It was funny though, he as like: "I would listen to a message", and she was like; "Yeah! Here's his number!" So hopefully we can share it with both of them, because she wasn't really interested at first!
Muskoka chairs on Parry Sound Bay!
3.) The other day Sister Smith and I were talking about receiving spiritual promptings, and how she just felt overwhelmed and wasn't recognizing them. Then, like a few minutes later, Elder Staheli ( Our District Leader) texted us and was like; "Sister Smith will you give an instruction on learning to recognize the spirit!" I died laughing! Heavenly Father definitely knows what we need!
Arial view of Parry Sound, Ontario and the bay
Love you all! Have an amazing week!

"While a child's earthly situation may not be ideal, a child's spiritual DNA is perfect."
-Neil L. Anderson

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