1 Oct 2018
Sis. Training Leaders
Hey Everyone!
    This week has been crazy busy, like a blur...
Tuesday we had exchanges with the Toronto West sisters. Sister Child came to Toronto West with me and it was really fun! We got on this bus on the way home, and the bus driver waited for us to cross the street (super nice). He was like;  "Sisters! What message are you going to share with me today.?"
It was really awesome! We talked about the Book of Mormon the whole bus ride, and he was super excited about it! Best bus contact ever!

Breakfast then Costco for pday
     Then we had the Oshawa sisters stay at our apartment on Wednesday night. We ride with the zone leaders in the van to MLC in the morning, and they called at 10:26. They were like; "Sisters can we talk to you and Sister St. Onge for a second." Elder McFarland likes it so all the zone leaders play basketball, before MLC in the morning, and I have never been able to go because I have been to far away. "Would you be willing to wake up a bit early, so that we can go? Also can you convince the other sisters." So we ended up getting up at 4am, so that we could go play basketball. We walked in the gym, and the elders were all like; "Sisters... whats going on?" It was pretty funny!

Also at MLC the first hour was pretty boring, so we had a water drinking contest with our table. Us and the zone leaders. I definitely lost, but in total we drank about 7 or 8 jugs of water...

After MLC I went on exchanges with Sister Madsen to Oshawa. Which was super fun. We did lots of service for a few different people. The first lady we went to go help, we were there to clean and re- organize her kitchen cupboards. There was so much mold.... I felt I needed to take a hygenic shower after that. So gross....

Fudao! It was super good you put all the ingredients in a boiling pot of soup and it cooks it soooooo good!

We have been crazy busy, but we have also met a lot of amazing people this week, and I am excited for the miracles that we see everyday! This week is going to be amazing! We have zone conference tomorrow, then exchanges with Richmond Hill Sisters, a temple trip and then General Conference! I am so excited for how spiritually uplifting this week will be, and to recieve so much revelation!
Pumpkin spice cookies

Sister Wehrli and I were talking about things that could be changed at general conf. and these are the two things we came up with...
1.) two hour church
2.) everyone serves a mission at 18

I don't know, we will see, should be good though! Also I'm looking forward to hearing the prophets voice, and the council that comes from Heavenly Father!!!!
 I love you all and hope you have an amazing week! 
I would love to hear the insights received from General conf!

Love Sister Leilani St. Onge

Quote: " A small amount of blatant disobedience blocks a mountain of revelation."
President Jeffery L. Shields ( best mission president ever!)

Bug eyes!

Elder Palmer what do you have?

lots of rain, look at my hair!

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To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...