30 July 2018

Hey Everyone!

Transfer news is in! I'm headed to Toronto YSA in the heart of the city! YSA is the young single adults ward, so I will be heading to people aged 18-30. I am super excited! My new comapnion is Sister Bird from Alaska. She is great! She was my STL(Sister training Leader) in Kitchener, so I am really excited! But I am sad to be leaving Sister Simonsen, but she will be great! I guess I am now and STL also. 

The Bell tower. We got to play the Carolan which plays the bells. I suck but Sister Simonsen is great!
The bell tower mechanism

Bell Tower Carolon

Outside of Bell tower

Door to Bell Tower

They showed us the Bell Tower
1.) We had a Relief Society tea party!  It was so great! We had one of the people we are trying to teach come, she is really good friends with one of our members, and she came by herself. Then on Friday she drove us to the Relief Society lunch, so we got to know her a lot better. It was super fun!
Sis Simonsen & I at the Toronto temple

Sis Maires & I, From the MTC with me.
2.) Thursday, we went to Brampton for six week follow ups, because Sister Simonsen is new, and we got to go to the temple. It was so great! I love the temple so much! Then we got home, and then had a lesson with Jason. We talked about the temple and how we can be sealed to our families for time and all eternity. That's why we get married there, also we get to do work for those of our ancestors that have passed on. He was so excited. The Prophet President Russell. M Nelson is coming to Ontario in a few weeks, and he is super excited. He is always like; "I can't wait to see Russell." haha
Ice cream festival with Will!
July Missionary birthdays
3.) Jason came to church on Sunday, and he really loved it. The end of the last meeting he looked at his watch and was like; "Wow it's almost over... the hours goes so fast!" It was great he is so prepared, and really looking for peace and God in his life! The gospel of Jesus Christ brings so much happiness, I can't stop smiling!

I love you all so much, and hope you have an amazing week! Wish me luck in the City! ahhhhhhh

"You are never to young to learn, and never to old to change."
-Russell M. Nelson

Different members in Simcoe ward

Wow 20 craziness!

24 July 2018
Niagara Falls Finally!
Hey thanks everyone for all the Birthday wishes!!!!!
This week has been so great!
The BIG 20! No longer a teenager
My Birthday!
1.) We met someone new, who we are teaching! Jason is awesome! We met him while we were car fasting, (Going on Bikes) and he is so interested! He texts us to find out when we can meet, so he can learn more! It's been really exciting! He got sick this weekend, as we invited him to church when we met earlier this week. He texted us Sunday, and told us he wouldn't be able to make it, because he is really sick, but he is excited, and will be there next week!
Sis Simonsen & Me at Niagara Falls

Looking towards the American Side and Falls at Niagara
2.) We went to Niagara last P-day and it was Amazing! Niagara was so much fun, and we met a bunch of Mormons! (LDS) haha They have the Book of Mormon pageant in Palmyra, New York, and they all came up for their day off to see the falls. It was all the families who volunteer to be actors and stuff, so it was really fun. We were walking down there, and people were like; "SISTERS!" It was awesome, and we got to talk to a bunch of them!

3.) My birthday was a party! We had a meeting with our Branch mission leader who takes care of us! Then we had a lesson with Will, and we invited him to be baptized. He said; "Yes once he prays about it, and receives and answer!" So we are pretty excited! It poured on the way home, and we were walking, so we got soaked. On the way we got this really sketchy Carribean food, that I am pretty sure had been sitting out all day!  But it didn't kill us, so we are all good!

Interesting sign

4.) Gregory is getting baptized, and we were reviewing the baptismal questions, and were going through the Word of Wisdom, and he was like; "Yeah, yeah we are all good!' Then he was like; "Wait tea?" So we talked about black tea, and the difference. He was like; "I just bought 9 boxes of Chai tea. they aren't black tea though!" So we went out and looked, and it was black tea with spices. We were like; "No go Gregory!" We were all laughing so hard, but he got rid of them. haha! I am so excited for him!
Monument in Simcoe, Ontario

It has been a great week! I love you all!
Love Leilani

Quote "Without knowing everything we can know the truth"
David F. Evans

She is a great Tracker!!

18 July 2018

Biggest Baby I have ever seen

 Hey everyone!

This week has been crazy, packed but a lot of fun!

1.) We had zone conf. in Kitchener, so it was fun to be in my first area for the day! Zone conf. Was really good. President got a 21 page slideshow he showed us, on all the new rules. Really, they aren't that different from what we have now. Just a little stricter. But I am excited. Greater obedience brings greater miracles! 
Dinner with the Scott's and Henri
2.) We had exchanges with the Hamilton Mountain Sister Training Leaders. So I stayed in Simcoe with Sister Clay, which was awesome. It was a really fun day! It was Friday the 13th, and around here that is a big deal. Everyone who drives a motorcycle in North America, goes to Port Dover, to look at each other bikes. It's a huge thing, so the highways were packed. Port Dover is this tiny town with a couple thousand people, which went to 200 000 people in one day... We didn't even attempt going to Port Dover, because you had  to have a pass to get into the town Haha! So we talked to a few people that came to Simcoe, on their way out. Sis. Clay is awesome! She is really outgoing, and great at talking to people. On our way home from Hamilton, after I was talking to Sis. Simonsen and I said; "She is a great tracker."  Then I was like; "That sounded super weird, but I am definitely going to use that now." 😂
Service project with the youth. Weeds were taller than me...
3.) This Sunday was AMAZING! We have had a lady coming with a member to church the last few weeks, and she came yesterday, and then stayed for Gospel Principles class, and the spirit was so strong! We talked about how we lived with God before this life, and how we can be with our families forever, and her mind was blown! She's like; "That makes so much sense, I have never heard that before." David who came last week was also there, but this week he didn't really say anything, he just sat and listened. So that was pretty interesting! It was awesome though! We are having dinner with Sis. Bremner and Nancy this week, so we are pretty excited!

Today we are going to Niagara Falls, so I will send pictures next week. 
Love you all! 
Have an amazing week!!!
Love Leilani

Quote: " Choose righteousness and happiness no matter what your circumstances."
- Charles W. Dahlquist ll

Party in Simcoe!

9 July 2018

Party in Simcoe!

Ice cream! From McFarland's old time sweet shoppe

Howdy Y'all 
That's right it's catching on, my companion is corrupting me... 
This week has been pretty great! Some pretty fun and interesting things happened.

1.) So our mission has lost kilometers and our zone has a goal to be under our k allotment. So the other day we had plans to do a car fast. ( not using the car for the day) and we had some solid plans around Simcoe, and then a lady from our branch texted us and and asked if we wanted to help sort some stuff out, to help her make backpacks for the women getting out of prison. The branch donated 100 bags last year of just basic supplies and toiletries. So guess what? We biked to Port Dover. A different town. But it was a lot of fun. They have this trail called the Lynn Valley Trail that goes from Waterford through Simcoe, to Port Dover. It took us about an hour, but it's such a pretty ride. Then we got to help an  awesome member do some service, so it was worth it. 
Lynn Valley trail
2. Church was interesting this week. I have never had a person we are teaching, try to take over another person we are teaching, before. So we have been doing service for this old guy, and he isn't really religious. He goes to church with his wife occasionally, but doesn't  really believe it. But I think since we have been doing service, he was like; "Might as well!" and asked us if he could come. So he came this week and it was fast and testimony meeting. When I was walking down. Our ward mission leader was like; "Do you know that guy sitting behind you?" 
I was like; "Nope never seen him before."
 As I sat down, he stood up and raised his hand. Then he walked to the pulpit and started with; "I hope this isn't to graphic for you all." Long story short he ended up just talking about how he wants to overcome his drug addiction and find the right path for him. It ended up being really good and sincere! Anyways it turned out to be a pretty interesting Sunday, and David took James out for lunch after, so that was interesting. Fun stuff!

3. My favorite experience of the week, it was so Amazing! So the guy that we met after dinner with a member. Her neighbour, we taught this week and she came with us. It was so powerful! They had never met before, and she lives 2 doors down. So we taught the restoration and answered his questions. Then Sister Peterson bore her testimony and talked about her conversion. The spirit was so strong. My heart was just so full! He wants to meet again, and his sister came in at the end,  she was listening too and asking questions, which was awesome! Christ's gospel bring so much joy and clarity to our lives. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share it! 
Scripture Study
I hope you all have an amazing week! 
Love Leilani😊

Quote :
"Let the fire of true testimony and unwavering love for the Lord, and His church Blaze brightly within each one of us. As it did in our faithful pioneers." 
-M. Russell Ballard

Does anyone own a firehose they can spray me down with?

3 July 2018
I don't know where you get a big flag like that, Costco?
This week has been full of miracles!

1. We had a dinner appointment out close to Turkey point (so BEAUTIFUL)! We shared a message with the members about ministering, talking to their neighbours and just being an example of Jesus Christ. They were like: "Well we have talked to our neighbours on both sides, we are pretty good friends with them, but they aren't super interested." So after dinner we went and knocked on their neighbours doors. Two doors down we met this really awesome guy who wants to learn more! So it was really cool! We went back to the members house after we had finished their street, and asked if she could come teaching with us tomorrow! She was like; "Really, wow, we should talk to more people on our street!" Sometimes all you have to do is ask! It was Awesome!

"Singing in the rain"
2. On Wednesday, we were dripping wet by some members, and they weren't home. so we knocked some doors on that street, and the last one, Will answered! "We told him a little bit about what we teach and about the Book of Mormon and he was like; " Can you come in right now?" We had an appointment in 10 min, so we booked for the next day. He is super awesome, and has recently been looking into religion and studying them. He just graduated from high school. But it's been amazing to see such a desire to learn. We met with him 3 days in a row and he wants to come to church to see how it all works! #blessed 
In case anyone was wondering what my hair looks like on a daily basis!
3. We finally got our bikes fixed, and so we rode them yesterday. I swear it was like 45°C. I have never sweat so much in my life. 😓We had a few appointments, then we had quite a bit of time to talk to people, so we hit the streets. The sister training leaders challenged us to hand out 3 Book of Mormons. We met this guy and Sis. Simonsen started talking about the Book of Mormon, and he was like; "Yeah, can I have one?"
 She was like really? 
He was like;  "Don't get to excited but sure I'm interested."
 It was so funny! It's so cool to watch new missionaries have all the new experiences.😊 Later we dropped off our bikes and walked to a few different streets to knock some doors, and we got to meet a lot of amazing people! But as we were headed home it started pouring rain! Honestly I was so happy it was like Heavenly Father showering us in blessings. I wasn't sticky anymore Haha! 
Pouring rain! we are a little wet!
4. Oh yeah! Gregory is getting baptized Aug 1st! That's transfer day, so I might not be here, but I am so excited for him! It so amazing to see people prepare to come closer to Heavenly Father and you can just see a greater light in their life! 

It has been an amazing week full of blessings! 
Love you all Happy Belated Canada Day!🍁🍁🍁🎉

Tina making her Canadian Masterpiece
Quote: "Don't look for new landscapes, use new eyes to see what's already there."
-Gerald Causse

Also shout outs 
Happy Birthday Kiara and Grandpa! I hope you have amazing Birthdays this week!!! Love you❤

To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...