Does anyone own a firehose they can spray me down with?

3 July 2018
I don't know where you get a big flag like that, Costco?
This week has been full of miracles!

1. We had a dinner appointment out close to Turkey point (so BEAUTIFUL)! We shared a message with the members about ministering, talking to their neighbours and just being an example of Jesus Christ. They were like: "Well we have talked to our neighbours on both sides, we are pretty good friends with them, but they aren't super interested." So after dinner we went and knocked on their neighbours doors. Two doors down we met this really awesome guy who wants to learn more! So it was really cool! We went back to the members house after we had finished their street, and asked if she could come teaching with us tomorrow! She was like; "Really, wow, we should talk to more people on our street!" Sometimes all you have to do is ask! It was Awesome!

"Singing in the rain"
2. On Wednesday, we were dripping wet by some members, and they weren't home. so we knocked some doors on that street, and the last one, Will answered! "We told him a little bit about what we teach and about the Book of Mormon and he was like; " Can you come in right now?" We had an appointment in 10 min, so we booked for the next day. He is super awesome, and has recently been looking into religion and studying them. He just graduated from high school. But it's been amazing to see such a desire to learn. We met with him 3 days in a row and he wants to come to church to see how it all works! #blessed 
In case anyone was wondering what my hair looks like on a daily basis!
3. We finally got our bikes fixed, and so we rode them yesterday. I swear it was like 45°C. I have never sweat so much in my life. 😓We had a few appointments, then we had quite a bit of time to talk to people, so we hit the streets. The sister training leaders challenged us to hand out 3 Book of Mormons. We met this guy and Sis. Simonsen started talking about the Book of Mormon, and he was like; "Yeah, can I have one?"
 She was like really? 
He was like;  "Don't get to excited but sure I'm interested."
 It was so funny! It's so cool to watch new missionaries have all the new experiences.😊 Later we dropped off our bikes and walked to a few different streets to knock some doors, and we got to meet a lot of amazing people! But as we were headed home it started pouring rain! Honestly I was so happy it was like Heavenly Father showering us in blessings. I wasn't sticky anymore Haha! 
Pouring rain! we are a little wet!
4. Oh yeah! Gregory is getting baptized Aug 1st! That's transfer day, so I might not be here, but I am so excited for him! It so amazing to see people prepare to come closer to Heavenly Father and you can just see a greater light in their life! 

It has been an amazing week full of blessings! 
Love you all Happy Belated Canada Day!🍁🍁🍁🎉

Tina making her Canadian Masterpiece
Quote: "Don't look for new landscapes, use new eyes to see what's already there."
-Gerald Causse

Also shout outs 
Happy Birthday Kiara and Grandpa! I hope you have amazing Birthdays this week!!! Love you❤

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