Wow 20 craziness!

24 July 2018
Niagara Falls Finally!
Hey thanks everyone for all the Birthday wishes!!!!!
This week has been so great!
The BIG 20! No longer a teenager
My Birthday!
1.) We met someone new, who we are teaching! Jason is awesome! We met him while we were car fasting, (Going on Bikes) and he is so interested! He texts us to find out when we can meet, so he can learn more! It's been really exciting! He got sick this weekend, as we invited him to church when we met earlier this week. He texted us Sunday, and told us he wouldn't be able to make it, because he is really sick, but he is excited, and will be there next week!
Sis Simonsen & Me at Niagara Falls

Looking towards the American Side and Falls at Niagara
2.) We went to Niagara last P-day and it was Amazing! Niagara was so much fun, and we met a bunch of Mormons! (LDS) haha They have the Book of Mormon pageant in Palmyra, New York, and they all came up for their day off to see the falls. It was all the families who volunteer to be actors and stuff, so it was really fun. We were walking down there, and people were like; "SISTERS!" It was awesome, and we got to talk to a bunch of them!

3.) My birthday was a party! We had a meeting with our Branch mission leader who takes care of us! Then we had a lesson with Will, and we invited him to be baptized. He said; "Yes once he prays about it, and receives and answer!" So we are pretty excited! It poured on the way home, and we were walking, so we got soaked. On the way we got this really sketchy Carribean food, that I am pretty sure had been sitting out all day!  But it didn't kill us, so we are all good!

Interesting sign

4.) Gregory is getting baptized, and we were reviewing the baptismal questions, and were going through the Word of Wisdom, and he was like; "Yeah, yeah we are all good!' Then he was like; "Wait tea?" So we talked about black tea, and the difference. He was like; "I just bought 9 boxes of Chai tea. they aren't black tea though!" So we went out and looked, and it was black tea with spices. We were like; "No go Gregory!" We were all laughing so hard, but he got rid of them. haha! I am so excited for him!
Monument in Simcoe, Ontario

It has been a great week! I love you all!
Love Leilani

Quote "Without knowing everything we can know the truth"
David F. Evans

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