My oh my. My hair was not made for humidity...

28th May 2018

My oh my. My hair was not made for humidity...

 Hey Everyone!!!

How was your week I would love to hear from you! 
This was a solid week! We did lots of tracting and we had zone conference. We also had 3 people at church! 

1.) We have been really trying to work with members, and helping them reach out to those around them, and minister to whatever people need. So that has been fun. We have taken a few people teaching with us, and one of the ladies we had dinner with, told us her experience. Of how one of her friends called and wanted someone to drive with her to Brandtford for a doctor's appointment. She had called 3 other people, and no one would go with her. Side note: Marilyn broke the top part if her arm a few weeks ago and she is 80. She wasn't feeling super up to it, but she went anyway. On the way back her friend talked about how she has been to a couple of different churches, and how she wanted to visit ours.  Marilyn's husband isn't a member but drives her to church every week. The lady then said she would pick up Marilyn, and drive her to church, so she could come with her! Member missionary work! 
"The gospel isn't always convenient. But it is always worth it." 
She came to church and loved it! She is coming back next week, and to the youth spaghetti dinner on Saturday!
I feel like I am on a tropical island

We didn't have air conditioning for a few days in our Apartment! Whew!
2.) We had Zone conference. It was really good! We talked a lot about obedience, and how as we are exactly obedient we will see more miracles! This is sooooo True! I have definitely seen as the harder I work to be obedient, we have so many more meaningful conversations and experiences that make the work so worth it! 

The weather is warm and I am loving it! I hope you all have an amazing week!

Sis. Gillingham and Me.
" When you have the Savior of the world on your side, how can you fail?"
Gary E. Stevenson 
I accidentally brought a coat... had to tie it around my waist. It was hotter than I thought.😂

I don't know what to title this.

22 May 2018

That majestic hair flip though!

I don't know what to title this.

 What's shakin?!?

So it has been quite the week! 
Miracles are real! 

1.) We had 15 min. one night, so we decided to knock on a few doors.  The only one that answered, had these huge dogs that they restrained and put in a different room. They were like; "Yeah come on in!" The lady grew up Catholic and her husband isn't religious. She totally would have said we can come back, but he was like no. Wee got to leave a pamphlet and she was so happy. But planting seeds is also real! 

2.) We did weekly planning outside in the park this week. I got sun burnt sitting in the shade... This is how pasty I am. I am now a very nice lobster colour. 

Orchard p day photo shoot!
3.) We met with Greg. An investigator that Morgan found and taught. He remembers him, and how they met, and he still has some of the text messages from 8 years ago. He said they stopped by and Greg was working outside. They offered to help and he said no, because they were dressed so nice. They said they would go change and come back, and he said; "You can only help, if I can take you out for lunch." And it all started from there! Shout out to my Brother for diligent missionary work! He wants to be baptized so we are working towards that. We are going to fast this week with him for a date, so it's pretty amazing!

I have definitely gained a testimony of serving those around you, and the amazing butterfly affect that can happen as we do so. So I challenge you all to take those opportunities this week. Whether they be inconvenient or not! Because it will make someone else's day, but it will also make yours! Love you all lots, have an amazing week! 

Quote " We do not need to be perfect, but we need to be good, at getting better.
Kim B. Clark
S. Gillingham is a deep sleeper

I have this Erie feeling!

7 May 2018

I have this Erie feeling!

The Sis. I came out with at half way Mark. Sis Smith, Maires and Anderson. At the conf. with Pres. Ballard
Hey everyone!!!
     So news. I am getting transferred.... to Simcoe! It is right on lake Erie and I am going to be with Sister Gillingham! I have no idea who that is, but I'm sure she's great! She came out 6 weeks ago, so I am pretty excited. Sister Shields says the area is poppin!
     I think I have anxiety though, because transfer night literally kills me every time. I sit there shaking, waiting for the phone to ring. It's the worst, but I am always excited. On to new and crazy adventures! 
It has been such a blessing to get to serve with Sister Smith for two transfers and hang out with one of my best friends from home. So I am excited for her to continue to do awesome things here! 

1.) Saturday was Sister Smith's birthday, so we obviously had a party after we went to Brampton. We went out for dinner with the Barrie sisters on our way home, and we all talked to the wrap bar guy about the church, so that was fun!
Sis. Smith's 20th Birthday!

Tub full of balloons
2.) Saturday was one of the best days of my life! We had a missionary meeting with President M. Russell Ballard from the quorum of the 12 apostles! It was so amazing! The spirit was so strong through the meeting, he talked about; How we are, where we are, for a reason, and how he prayerfully decides where to send missionaries on their missions, as well as the rest of the apostles. and that our attitude is everything!" Which is so true! I received some really good inspiration and can apply it in my life. I know that he is truly an apostle of the Lord and represents him. I got to shake his hand and the love you feel as you do so, is overwhelming. 
Pres. M. Russell Ballard. One of the Lord's 12 apostles in these latter days!
3.) Last night while I was laying there not sleeping, because of the craziness that is happening. I came up with this poem so here it is! I may have stolen it from Sister Hollyman, so sorry if I did. I was half asleep. :)
Church is True 
Book is Blue
Read it for you
Ask God if it's true.

So that is my challenge to you! Whether you have already read it or not. I just finished reading it again and I know the power and knowledge that comes from it, has blessed my life and the lives of those around me. Every time I finish, I ask God if it's true. I know without a shadow of a doubt that it is. 
   I love you all and I hope you have a righteous week! 

Love Leilani

The privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to his children.
-Russell M. Nelson

Simcoe for the win!

14 May 2018

Simcoe for the win!

Temple pics before we left Brampton, with Sis. Gillingham, my new companion! Then left for my new area, Simcoe, Ont.
Hey Everyone!
     It has been an amazing week! As I was driving down from Bracebridge, everything just got so green and it actually looks like spring! One sad thing, is now my hair is a giant frizz ball 99% of the time, because if the humidity... but it's great. Simcoe is a pretty amazing place with lots of potential! We met some really great people this week who want us to come back!
Sunflower fields

Norfolk Carillon Tower War memorial
Port Dover Lighthouse
tobacco fields

Alligator boat, only one left in Canada
Governor Square- Simcoe
Chicory plant

parsley field 

Cute humour!
1.) The sister's met this girl two weeks ago, and her name is Shanila! We met with her for the first time Wednesday. We had a really powerful lesson with her and she is excited to learn more. She says she is a seeker, and likes to study things out, but feels like she has been missing something. She has been all over the world and to a bunch of different temples and religious ceremonies, but she's still looking, so that pretty cool!

I found you Morgan in the old record books!!!
2.) We are teaching this guy named Greg, and he is waiting to get baptized, he just needs his wife's permission. But guess who found him and started teaching him. That's right, Morgan! 8 years ago haha! He is a eternagator that has been meeting with the missionaries on and off for the last few years. 

3.) Sister Gillingham is from Stirling AB. Originally from England but moved over when she was 8! She is a lot of fun! Two British Sis. in a row!

Love you all hope you have an amazing week!
    Also happy belated mothers day to my mom, all the women who raised me! and all my mission mom's!!!! Love you all❤
Ralph the night hairdresser got to me..
- Neil L. Andersen
Talking on Mother's day We're in the corner

Talking to siblings and me on Mother;s day Braedon, Morgan, Rachel & Adaline, Mom & Kiara
Selfies with Sis Gillingham

-Simcoe is an unincorporated community and former town in Southwestern Ontario, Canada near Lake Erie. It is the county seat and largest community of Norfolk County. Simcoe is due south of Brantford, and accessible to Hamilton. This largest of the Communities in Norfolk County, Ontario had a population of 13,922
-the most successful line of the tugs which came to be known as "alligators" were designed and patented in Canada in the late 1880s. Simcoe has the last one in the world.
- Today, many of Simcoe's larger employers are in the retail service industry, with some employment in the area being primarily part-time and/or seasonal.
- The Toyotetsu manufacturing plant in the northwestern end of Simcoe, built in 2006, employs approximately 170 full-time personnel in metal parts stamping and fabrication for the automotive industry.

Another week in Paradise!

4 May 2018

Another week in Paradise!

My Sis. Kiara got home from her mission the 26th of April

 Heyo everyone! 

It has been a pretty nice week! 
The weather has been pretty warm on and off, some over cast rainy days, but the rest were pretty nice. I DIDN'T WEAR LEGGINGS A FEW DAYS THIS WEEK! So excited for summer! 

1.) Excerpt from Sister Smith's Email, because she is much more diligent at writing her weekly than I am...

District meeting on skype because we are so spread out
Did you know that the senior missionaries are actually super helpful at times even though we as younger missionaries almost never see them? This week we lost yet another investigator and Elder Anderson, who called us about something, on hearing our plight gave us a fifteen minute pep talk on the priesthood, women's roles and related trivia. It was super nice of him! Unfortunately Sister St. Onge and I still consumed a bucket of candy when we got back to the apartment which was very unfortunate. ðŸ˜– Nonetheless, we're ok. But this area is swiftly approaching dead again. 

I somewhat tell a lie. We did get another media referral for somebody. They didn't specify what they wanted when they made the request, and when we got down to see her she wanted a Bible, but in large print, so we'll have to order it in for her. She seems slightly interested and did agree to set up another appointment which is more than we usually get so that could be good. We also managed to fit the second lesson into our visit as well. She's a very sad, old lady, but hopefully we'll be able to help her out.

Elder Anderson was a willing therapist for us, but I have found myself in need of more. This week has been full of terrible traumatizing experiences. For one, our district leader played a very cruel prank on us! He told us he was bringing an investigator to district meeting and that we were to teach him the first three lessons. This is...not really something that happens during district meeting so we were a tad nervous. Well, we went, the investigator was there and each companionship taught one of the lessons. The last set of elders committed him to baptism and he said he'd certainly consider it. A few days later we got a text from Elder Timmins and Elder Lameroux saying they'd gotten special permission to baptize the man super quickly. We were all pretty excited...until someone from our zone said, "Wait, isn't that your guys' ward mission leader?" ðŸ¤”Ha! I'd KNOWN he wasn't a real investigator! He'd said things that investigators don't really say. But Sister St. Onge was MAD. It was rather cruel of them I won't lie. It's a good thing for him that Elder Timmins is an excellent district leader.
The Elders got their ward mission leader to pretend he was an investigator. Fooled us!

2.) Elder M. Russell Ballard is coming to our mission this week! We have a meeting with him in Brampton so we are very excited for that! Best Birthday present ever for Sister Smith! I am so excited! So, you will get to hear all about that and transfer calls next week! 

Love you all! 

Quote: " Know that God sanctifies our most difficult days. " Fear thou not; for I am with thee," He peacefully reassures.
Haha We scared the ducks

To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...