I don't know what to title this.

22 May 2018

That majestic hair flip though!

I don't know what to title this.

 What's shakin?!?

So it has been quite the week! 
Miracles are real! 

1.) We had 15 min. one night, so we decided to knock on a few doors.  The only one that answered, had these huge dogs that they restrained and put in a different room. They were like; "Yeah come on in!" The lady grew up Catholic and her husband isn't religious. She totally would have said we can come back, but he was like no. Wee got to leave a pamphlet and she was so happy. But planting seeds is also real! 

2.) We did weekly planning outside in the park this week. I got sun burnt sitting in the shade... This is how pasty I am. I am now a very nice lobster colour. 

Orchard p day photo shoot!
3.) We met with Greg. An investigator that Morgan found and taught. He remembers him, and how they met, and he still has some of the text messages from 8 years ago. He said they stopped by and Greg was working outside. They offered to help and he said no, because they were dressed so nice. They said they would go change and come back, and he said; "You can only help, if I can take you out for lunch." And it all started from there! Shout out to my Brother for diligent missionary work! He wants to be baptized so we are working towards that. We are going to fast this week with him for a date, so it's pretty amazing!

I have definitely gained a testimony of serving those around you, and the amazing butterfly affect that can happen as we do so. So I challenge you all to take those opportunities this week. Whether they be inconvenient or not! Because it will make someone else's day, but it will also make yours! Love you all lots, have an amazing week! 

Quote " We do not need to be perfect, but we need to be good, at getting better.
Kim B. Clark
S. Gillingham is a deep sleeper

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