Another week in Paradise!

4 May 2018

Another week in Paradise!

My Sis. Kiara got home from her mission the 26th of April

 Heyo everyone! 

It has been a pretty nice week! 
The weather has been pretty warm on and off, some over cast rainy days, but the rest were pretty nice. I DIDN'T WEAR LEGGINGS A FEW DAYS THIS WEEK! So excited for summer! 

1.) Excerpt from Sister Smith's Email, because she is much more diligent at writing her weekly than I am...

District meeting on skype because we are so spread out
Did you know that the senior missionaries are actually super helpful at times even though we as younger missionaries almost never see them? This week we lost yet another investigator and Elder Anderson, who called us about something, on hearing our plight gave us a fifteen minute pep talk on the priesthood, women's roles and related trivia. It was super nice of him! Unfortunately Sister St. Onge and I still consumed a bucket of candy when we got back to the apartment which was very unfortunate. 😖 Nonetheless, we're ok. But this area is swiftly approaching dead again. 

I somewhat tell a lie. We did get another media referral for somebody. They didn't specify what they wanted when they made the request, and when we got down to see her she wanted a Bible, but in large print, so we'll have to order it in for her. She seems slightly interested and did agree to set up another appointment which is more than we usually get so that could be good. We also managed to fit the second lesson into our visit as well. She's a very sad, old lady, but hopefully we'll be able to help her out.

Elder Anderson was a willing therapist for us, but I have found myself in need of more. This week has been full of terrible traumatizing experiences. For one, our district leader played a very cruel prank on us! He told us he was bringing an investigator to district meeting and that we were to teach him the first three lessons. This is...not really something that happens during district meeting so we were a tad nervous. Well, we went, the investigator was there and each companionship taught one of the lessons. The last set of elders committed him to baptism and he said he'd certainly consider it. A few days later we got a text from Elder Timmins and Elder Lameroux saying they'd gotten special permission to baptize the man super quickly. We were all pretty excited...until someone from our zone said, "Wait, isn't that your guys' ward mission leader?" 🤔Ha! I'd KNOWN he wasn't a real investigator! He'd said things that investigators don't really say. But Sister St. Onge was MAD. It was rather cruel of them I won't lie. It's a good thing for him that Elder Timmins is an excellent district leader.
The Elders got their ward mission leader to pretend he was an investigator. Fooled us!

2.) Elder M. Russell Ballard is coming to our mission this week! We have a meeting with him in Brampton so we are very excited for that! Best Birthday present ever for Sister Smith! I am so excited! So, you will get to hear all about that and transfer calls next week! 

Love you all! 

Quote: " Know that God sanctifies our most difficult days. " Fear thou not; for I am with thee," He peacefully reassures.
Haha We scared the ducks

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