Brace yourself for another transfer in the Bridge

26 march, 2018

Brace yourself for another transfer in the Bridge

 Hey Everyone!

Sign for Parry Sound, Ontario. It is in my area and we were tracting there last week.
 It has been a pretty great week! Not a lot has happened. but a bunch of members gave me a bunch of stuff because they thought I was leaving so that was cool! I love free stuff.

1.) We spent last P-day with members who drove us to Barrie, because there are no good stores up here... but it was a lot of fun! I scared Peggy so many times! I ran up behind her in Michaels and she was like; " I almost died!"  Wendi told us she has been jumpy all week! So that was pretty funny. 
Tim Horton's Memorial camp for Children's foundation in Parry Sound, Ontario
2.) We were dropping by a former. who no longer lived at the house, but there was a couple sitting outside and so we talked to them. The wife doesn't believe in God, but the husband grew up Catholic and no longer attends. It was funny though, he as like: "I would listen to a message", and she was like; "Yeah! Here's his number!" So hopefully we can share it with both of them, because she wasn't really interested at first!
Muskoka chairs on Parry Sound Bay!
3.) The other day Sister Smith and I were talking about receiving spiritual promptings, and how she just felt overwhelmed and wasn't recognizing them. Then, like a few minutes later, Elder Staheli ( Our District Leader) texted us and was like; "Sister Smith will you give an instruction on learning to recognize the spirit!" I died laughing! Heavenly Father definitely knows what we need!
Arial view of Parry Sound, Ontario and the bay
Love you all! Have an amazing week!

"While a child's earthly situation may not be ideal, a child's spiritual DNA is perfect."
-Neil L. Anderson

Way to many Kilometers....

19, Mar 2018


Way to many Kilometers....

 Hey Everyone! 

It has been an all over the place kinda week! Honestly I can't remember a lot of what we did... It's been pretty busy.

Our Zone Leaders!
1.) We have been hitting the streets hard, and we had a few potentials last week, that we had  appointments with that fell through, but hey that's mission life. 

Most of our district except for the zone leaders.
Elder Rigby and I. We were in the MTV together.
2.) Then we had district meeting in Sudbury with the Elders and Sister Smith. I gave an instruction. We have this book called safeguards for using technology. It's so we can get rid of our old habits, and use it in a better way, and not have it be the main focus in our lives. So we talked about how if we use it everyday and apply it, we will have less negative influences in our lives. So we made all the Elders do a face mask, and then talked about how if we apply regularly, our pores become smaller and let in less dirt in the future. So that was pretty funny! Some of them were pretty excited. Haha! 

Karen making it difficult to leave their house.
3.) Saturday we went to Parry Sound and hit the streets. We met a lot of awesome people, and had some really great conversations!  Doris told us we can come back! We don't get up there to often but that was exciting! Hopefully we will be able to have Messenger Skype calls with her! 

4.) Spring is on the way!!!!!! It has been quite nice this last week!
Best name for a road ever. #Tallyho swords road...

I pulled out my spring jacket! Almost all the snow is gone, so I'm getting pretty excited! 

So many trees!!!
"Don't limit yourself and don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, and then live so as to reach your possibilities. YOU CAN ACHIEVE what you believe you can."
-President Thomas S. Monson

Challenge for the week: Post something positive and uplifting on social media! 

Love you all have an amazing week! 
Love  Sister St. Onge


12 Mar 2018
Bro. George MacNaughtan He is our Dad here. His wife is Karen they are the best! He's always scaring us!

Hey Everyone! This was a pretty crazy week! CRAZY AMAZING! a lot has happened so Brace yourself because the sisters from the bridge are coming for you!
Bracebridge that is... :)

Sis. Smith & I in Bracebridge, Ontario

Driving with the STL's  Hillman and Hollyman, and Sis. Smith

Me in Barrie at Lake Simcoe
1.) So I had exchanges with Sister Hollyman! She is from England, and she is Amazing! We spent the day in Barrie. We talked to some pretty interesting people, but had a few really awesome conversations. We met this guy who believes that the Dungeon and Dragons god's are real. He was like showing us in his book, so that was pretty funny.

Sis. Hillman and I
Sister Smith and Sister Jensen drove down that night and the next day we had Zone Conference!

Most of my Zone, APs and we are the only Sis.. The blond Elder on the left at the back, is Elder Payne from Taber, (Louise Flexhaug-(Sandy) grandson
2.) We had a really amazing Zone Conference! We are now authorized to use Facebook! So that's pretty exciting. It's also super weird to now see what’s happening in people's lives. We had this really awesome Zone breakout session, where we meet with just our zone in the afternoon. It was us and 17 elders, but it was really good! Our zone leaders prepared some really powerful instructions on prayer and making the most of our missions. They go home in 4 months, and they showed this video about missionaries in Germany who were headed home. They took and interviewed them, but they couldn't use words. So when they were asked the questions, they had to think about it. We watched their facial expressions. It was so good, we all cried It was just super powerful! It was kind of moving to be in a room with 17 crying Elders. We came out, and Sister Grover was like; “What’s wrong, are you okay?” I was like; “Yupp!”  I just balled a lot though. haha!

Sis Grover and I together at Zone Conf.

Sis. Smith & I, Elder Timmins and Learoux serving in Timmins

 Elder Olson and Kimball(my AP) stole my phone

Sis. Song & I are matching, Elder Timmins is photo bombing!

3.) The other night we had 20 minutes, so we decided to knock on a few doors before our appointment. The first door didn't answer, and the second door, he was like; “Yeah, can you come back tomorrow?” #eternal families! The third one was this guy in his pj's, and he invited us in, but we were like; “We can't!” He went and changed, putting his coat on.  He talked to us outside for like 10 min! It was really cool, because I got to bear my testimony about coming to know that the Book of Mormon is true. He was just like;  “Whoa!” So we gave him a pamphlet and card, and invited him to church. He didn't set up an appointment, but we moved him up the scale! Miracles!


Terry showing me his canoe he built

It has been a GREAT week, Love you all

Spring time at the temple

"Patience means humbly accepting the Lord's timing, whatever it is."

Have a great week
Sister Leilani St. Onge

Longest week of my life!!

5 Mar 2018
Longest week of my life!!

My life haha
Hey Y'all!

It has been a pretty great week! Feels like I haven't sent one of these in a while so here we go!
1.)Our investigator Amanda is really cool! we left her with a few versus in Alma to read and she read almost the Entire Book of Mormon... Miracles!!!  She is more interested in the knowledge part of things right now than anything else, but it was really cool to see someone do that! 

Selfie of Sis. Smith and me
2.) We had Stake Conference in Sudbury, and Elder David A. Buckner of the Seventy was there. He is from New York and he is really cool! He got called last year to be a Seventy, so I hope he speaks at conference. He is very enthusiastic and really cool. He is also an economics professor at Columbia University, and he talked a lot about what matters most and wearing the countenance of Christ through our actions. It was really good! 

District Meeting
3.) They don't have a stake choir up here in Sudbury Stake, because everyone is super spread out. So at the dinner saturday night, Sister Kelsey announced Choir practice for Sunday morning, just a simple hymn. Want to know who showed up? Our entire zone of missionaries. haha. 14 elders and 2 sisters and like 3 sisters from Sudbury ward. # Missionary choir! ALL the elders stayed in the Sudbury apartment, haha they were pretty cramped haha! 
Most of our district at Stake conference in Sudbury, Ont
Love you all so much have an amazing week!!!!
Love Sis. St. Onge
Best license plate haha

Pictures from Port Sydney area
Bath Tub races in Mary Lake, Port Sydney

Dock at Port Sydney

Ice Fishing on Mary Lake

Cabin on Mary Lake

Port Sydney is not far from Bracebridge
Port Sydney falls

Ice Skating on  Mary lake at festival

Mary Lake in Fall, at Port Sydney!

Sis. St. Onge and Smith! Better find the old Grouch and teach him to make him happy! haha


26th Feb 2018


Sis Smith & I in a sketchy bathroom, at a community dinner in Baysville
Hey everyone!

It has been a pretty great week!
I hear the weather at home is not so good! Drive safe!

1.) We met with our new investigator Amanda, and we had a really great lesson with her! She has gone to a lot of different churches. She grew up Catholic, but has met with missionaries from other churches before. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she was pretty excited to read it, so that was awesome! 

2.) One of the member's took us to a really fancy Japanese restaurant which was really cool. They had like the big tables that they would cook right in front of you, and some really good sushi! I am one happy Sister! 
Me and Sister Smith at the Japanese restaurant. It had a fancy backdrop in the entrance.
3.) Church on Sunday, the power went out everywhere in the building except for the chapel and like 3/4 of our ward didn't show up because of freezing rain. So I had to stumble through playing the piano, because no one else could play. It was pretty great. There was 15 people there, and it was fast and testimony meeting so everyone bore their testimonies. It was really awesome! Sometimes those are miracles that happen when it ends up being a small group, and you get to hear from everyone. The spirit was strong! 

4.) Last but most definitely first! Britney from my last area, in Stratford. Got Baptized yesterday!!!!! I got to Skype in and watch! It was so amazing! I am so GRATEFUL for the opportunity I had to get to know her, and watch the gospel change her life!  The Lord does his work with those that are prepared and I am just glad I got to be there for the ride! 

Love you all tons keep your heads up! 
Favorite quote this week!

There is no GROWTH in the COMFORT zone.
There is no COMFORT in the GROWTH zone.
My planner and Sister Smith's, crafty evenings!

To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...