
12 Mar 2018
Bro. George MacNaughtan He is our Dad here. His wife is Karen they are the best! He's always scaring us!

Hey Everyone! This was a pretty crazy week! CRAZY AMAZING! a lot has happened so Brace yourself because the sisters from the bridge are coming for you!
Bracebridge that is... :)

Sis. Smith & I in Bracebridge, Ontario

Driving with the STL's  Hillman and Hollyman, and Sis. Smith

Me in Barrie at Lake Simcoe
1.) So I had exchanges with Sister Hollyman! She is from England, and she is Amazing! We spent the day in Barrie. We talked to some pretty interesting people, but had a few really awesome conversations. We met this guy who believes that the Dungeon and Dragons god's are real. He was like showing us in his book, so that was pretty funny.

Sis. Hillman and I
Sister Smith and Sister Jensen drove down that night and the next day we had Zone Conference!

Most of my Zone, APs and we are the only Sis.. The blond Elder on the left at the back, is Elder Payne from Taber, (Louise Flexhaug-(Sandy) grandson
2.) We had a really amazing Zone Conference! We are now authorized to use Facebook! So that's pretty exciting. It's also super weird to now see what’s happening in people's lives. We had this really awesome Zone breakout session, where we meet with just our zone in the afternoon. It was us and 17 elders, but it was really good! Our zone leaders prepared some really powerful instructions on prayer and making the most of our missions. They go home in 4 months, and they showed this video about missionaries in Germany who were headed home. They took and interviewed them, but they couldn't use words. So when they were asked the questions, they had to think about it. We watched their facial expressions. It was so good, we all cried It was just super powerful! It was kind of moving to be in a room with 17 crying Elders. We came out, and Sister Grover was like; “What’s wrong, are you okay?” I was like; “Yupp!”  I just balled a lot though. haha!

Sis Grover and I together at Zone Conf.

Sis. Smith & I, Elder Timmins and Learoux serving in Timmins

 Elder Olson and Kimball(my AP) stole my phone

Sis. Song & I are matching, Elder Timmins is photo bombing!

3.) The other night we had 20 minutes, so we decided to knock on a few doors before our appointment. The first door didn't answer, and the second door, he was like; “Yeah, can you come back tomorrow?” #eternal families! The third one was this guy in his pj's, and he invited us in, but we were like; “We can't!” He went and changed, putting his coat on.  He talked to us outside for like 10 min! It was really cool, because I got to bear my testimony about coming to know that the Book of Mormon is true. He was just like;  “Whoa!” So we gave him a pamphlet and card, and invited him to church. He didn't set up an appointment, but we moved him up the scale! Miracles!


Terry showing me his canoe he built

It has been a GREAT week, Love you all

Spring time at the temple

"Patience means humbly accepting the Lord's timing, whatever it is."

Have a great week
Sister Leilani St. Onge

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26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...