Way to many Kilometers....

19, Mar 2018


Way to many Kilometers....

 Hey Everyone! 

It has been an all over the place kinda week! Honestly I can't remember a lot of what we did... It's been pretty busy.

Our Zone Leaders!
1.) We have been hitting the streets hard, and we had a few potentials last week, that we had  appointments with that fell through, but hey that's mission life. 

Most of our district except for the zone leaders.
Elder Rigby and I. We were in the MTV together.
2.) Then we had district meeting in Sudbury with the Elders and Sister Smith. I gave an instruction. We have this book called safeguards for using technology. It's so we can get rid of our old habits, and use it in a better way, and not have it be the main focus in our lives. So we talked about how if we use it everyday and apply it, we will have less negative influences in our lives. So we made all the Elders do a face mask, and then talked about how if we apply regularly, our pores become smaller and let in less dirt in the future. So that was pretty funny! Some of them were pretty excited. Haha! 

Karen making it difficult to leave their house.
3.) Saturday we went to Parry Sound and hit the streets. We met a lot of awesome people, and had some really great conversations!  Doris told us we can come back! We don't get up there to often but that was exciting! Hopefully we will be able to have Messenger Skype calls with her! 

4.) Spring is on the way!!!!!! It has been quite nice this last week!
Best name for a road ever. #Tallyho swords road...

I pulled out my spring jacket! Almost all the snow is gone, so I'm getting pretty excited! 

So many trees!!!
"Don't limit yourself and don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, and then live so as to reach your possibilities. YOU CAN ACHIEVE what you believe you can."
-President Thomas S. Monson

Challenge for the week: Post something positive and uplifting on social media! 

Love you all have an amazing week! 
Love  Sister St. Onge

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