24th Sep 2018

Beer tastes disgusting!!! Read on for the explanation. 
     Monday we met up with Karen at the Eaton Center downtown which was super fun. We grabbed dinner and headed to Family Home Evening. It was combined with Churchville, so it was a party! We played life size Hungry Hungry Hippos. We had Moray, the person we are teaching, come out to the activity and he really enjoyed himself. 

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     Tuesday was so sweet!! So Sunday on the bus we were talking to this guy Dawit from Nigeria. When Dawit got off the person standing behind us (who had overheard our conversation) started talking to us. He said his name was Abdullah & he had visited Salt Lake City a while ago! We didn't have time to get his number before he got off though, so we just gave him a card and told him to call! He called us Tuesday!! We went out to this Pakistanian place and he bought us dinner and we had a lesson. It was so cool! 🗺 We taught English class too.

We both bought a red dress!
     Wednesday we had a fun day. District Council, lunch with a member who just returned home in June from her mission in Rome, and then exchanges!!! I went to Christie North with Hermana Mckee! It was so much fun and we got to teach three people in Spanish. I learned how to say "Yo testifico de las palabras de mi companiera" which means I testy that what my companion said is true... I think haha! 
Me & Hermana McKee

Love the masks!

Hermana Johnson, me, Hermana McKee & Sis Wehrli

Hermana Johnson and Me

      It ended up being a longer exchange than we thought-- but it was meant to be. We had so much fun and got really close to Hermana McKee. I admire her great attitude. She's on her second last transfer, and her Spanish is so good (she taught me some Spanish during language study). Oh man she's a cutey. 💗 We tried to go to bed for forever, but we were laughing so hard that we couldn't even sleep haha. Oh man. I love exchanges! 

     Friday was exciting, but exhausting. We spent almost ALL day on the TTC traveling back and forth between appointments and it was so busy. Like so packed! It took us almost two hours on the subway + buses to get from downtown, to the chapel...and we were standing up the entire time because it was so packed and busy. 
Lots of teenagers
     Saturday was another exciting day of English Class,  the students!! They are so sweet. When on exchanges, Hermana Johnson and I talked to this guy on the bus who just moved from Mexico and she invited him to the class...and he showed up!! Marco. Now they're going to teach him!!! We also had this dinner appointment (which is really rare for us), hahaha and it was a BBQ type thing with a member, and a bunch of his nonmembers friends we play volleyball with on Thursday nights. So we go over there and this lady- from Russia, but grew up in Israel- is telling us to try this drink she brought, explaining it to be root beer. Sis was like oh alright, I love Root Beer. Wrong! It turned out to be a nonalcoholic beer flavoured drink!! So Sis Wehrli had this HUGE glass and she was so disgusted, but we were sitting at the table with everyone, so she whispers to me that I have to help her. So she chugged half the glass and I chugged the other half. We threw up in the garbage can outside the subway station, on the way home. Never will I ever be tempted to drink...that beer flavoured drink was NASTY!

Our Volleyball group
Sunday was good. Church + a lot of contacting.

     Something I learned this week,
is that we often ask God to change our situation, not realizing He put us in that situation to change us-- and the past 14 months for me have been jam packed with change!! But those changes-- as trying, exhausting, and challenging as they were/are-- they were the things that prodded me to grow the most. 
President Hinckley taught us....
"We have every reason to be optimistic in this world. Tragedy is around, yes. Problems everywhere, yes....You can't, you don't, build out of pessimism or cynicism. You look with optimism, work with faith, and things happen."
So remember that Heavenly Father is on YOUR side! That's what we try hardest to teach people here. We teach people not so they understand God's love and His plan, but so they absolutely cannot misunderstand it. ♥️
Hope you all have a good week and remember to be optimistic and build with faith. 
Love you all. 

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To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...