"Heck get out of the stang!"

Chicken in a waffle cone?

17 Sep 2018
      So this week has been so much fun! my new companion Sister Wehrli is so great!
We have seen lots of miracles and she is hilarious! 
Companion Unity!

     So brief explanation on the title of this week. We share the car with the Zone Leaders, and we were riding to get groceries today will the elders. We have been trying to decide on a name for the white grand caravan. We all wanted Shelby but Elder McFarland was like;
 "No it reminds me of the new Shelby mustang that just came out. We cant name it after that!"
 So we all started calling it the stang. They were dropping us off, and one off the elder's name is Elder Heck, and he was like; 
"Heck get out of the stang!" 
Anyways, it was pretty funny, but you probably needed to be there in person. 

our bags almost match, Elder Heung and me

1.) We were running after leaving the church after sports night, and we not wearing our regular clothes. We were in our gym clothes, and were standing at the bus stop, which ended up taking 45 minutes... anyways we met this guy named Thomas, and we started talking about the Book of Mormon. He was like wait what? I have always thought that Jesus Christ would visit other people, but that we just didn't have a record of it. We were like; "Yup that's what the Book of Mormon is, the record of Jesus Christ visiting the Ancient Amercas. It's pretty grand." He was really excited to meet up. we taught him this week, and it went really well, so I'm excited!
Davin's baptism 15th Sep 2018

2.) We went to drop by a members, and were walking back to the subway station, this guy walks up to us, and was like; "Are you christian?" We were like, "Yeah." The he said; " I am Satan clause. Yeah, I just made it up, and then he was telling us, when he puts vegetables on the scale it always adds up to 666, and that we shouldn't eat produce. That's when we were like;  "Yeah we gotta go." We were walking away then, and he was yelling;  "Their evil, don't talk to them!" But we got on the subway, and met this really nice guy, who has been to Salt Lake City, to temple square, and he's says; "My friend is on a mission right now." We didn't get to talk to him very long, but we gave him a card. yesterday. He texted us and asked when can we meet up, I want to learn more about your church! It was awesome!
its going fast!

Label Liberation?

Nothing happened on this spot

Aww Cute bunny!

Quote : " Heavenly father is anxiously waiting to reveal the secrets of the universe."
- Jeffrey R. Holland
might as well stretch those calves while waiting for the bus

The market

Riverdale Public Library

Riding the transit

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