Had an awesome Thanksgiving!

Sis Skeen and I
11 Oct. 2017

Hello Folks!
     This week has been long, so our P-day got moved to today. That’s why it has been longer than a week haha!
     We had some really, great lesson's last week and we were all over the place. I went to Brampton to the temple and got to see all the people I came out with, so that was amazing!
Sis Smith, Maires and me- Toronto Temple

Elders Earl, .. me & Sis. Smith

Some of the missionaries in my Zone

Some of the Elders from my Zone
      Then we went to Goderich to meet with our investigator there who is super awesome, but it was sad, because he moved back to India this week for a while. Maybe I'll see him when he gets back.
      Had an awesome Thanksgiving! The family from Nigeria that we are teaching, invited us over, so we had spicy rice and fried turkey and it was super good! Then right after we had dinner at our branch president’s house, but half of our branch was there ( 14 people) haha It was so great!
This great family from Nigeria. A great Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving with the Branch Pres. family and some members

     Sunday night we got transfer calls and my companion Sister Skeen got transferred, so I now have Sister Hudson, and she is from Edmonton! We found a lot of new people the other day, so that was awesome! I'm excited to have more appointments!
     We stopped this man and his son last night and the dad was kind of busy, but the dad was like listening, which was awesome! So right there he like softened his heart. It was the cutest thing ever, so we are going to meet with them. The son is really, excited to come to church!
     The weather is on the decline, it was super cold today... I'm not looking forward to winter, but more opportunities to serve so that will be great! it's been quite rainy, so there aren't as many people out and about now.

     We got a flat tire this morning, so we got everything out to change it and I couldn't get the bolts off.  Tender mercies of the Lord, a very nice man helped us. (Just so everyone knows I do know how to change a tire!)  It was fun and we he became interested in the church so it was sweet!
Sis Hudson
Anyways love you all, have a Great Week!
Love Sister St. Onge!
more cornfields

Cute sign!

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