the curling iron got too close

2 Oct. 2017
the curling iron got too close

Cornfields around Stratford, Ontario

Such a cute house in Stratford!

Downtown Stratford, The MaCleoud Scottish shop

downtown Stratford

Getting ready to rake leaves

Ciao Tutti!
     So this week was pretty great! We taught one of our progressing investigators this week, which went super great! We drove an hour away to meet him, and he took us out for lunch which was sweet, because... FREE FOOD! Our lesson was awesome, as well! It sucks though because he is moving back to India for a few months, so we won't be here when he gets back which is sad.
      We had our mission temple trip this Friday, which was awesome! I got to see a few people from my MTC district, which was great! It started off the General Conference weekend perfectly. There were so many amazing talks and it's an amazing thing to watch not only for yourself, but to look for things that will help the people you are teaching and be able to apply it to them!
     We met with our new investigator Tammy on Friday she is so cute! She has met with the missionaries before, but it was a few years ago. She has been kind of looking for something for a while, so is very interested, which is exciting!
     We had 8 people at church so that was great! We had a family we are teaching that are Catholic come to the Saturday sessions of General Conference so that was awesome and they loved it! We gave them a chapel tour and their daughter wants to come to young women’s. So we are excited for them. Then we went home after that, and our Branch President called and was like;
" What are you having for dinner?''
'' Stir fry.''
'' Wanna come join the Elders Quorum for our potluck before priesthood session?”
''Yes we do! haha''
     That was fun we got to crash the Elders Quorum potluck dinner. Then between sessions on Sunday our branch had another potluck.  Perks of being in a tiny branch where you don't need a lot of food to feed a lot of people!
     Sister Gilbert made me and Sister Skeen slippers. She started teaching us how to a few weeks ago but she had figured we had given up and made them for us... We had given up :) That was so lovely of her. This week has been great! 

     Oh also Sister Skeen and I, have listened to the same 4 John Bytheway talks for the last 5 weeks... It's the only talks by him she has, and we have them pretty much memorized haha. That what this weeks heading is from, if you were wondering!

Anyways love you all!
Have a great week!
talk soon, Ciao!

Hey Mom, my foot is better! Sister Klein the therapeutic healer fixed it!

My Zone after playing flour Dodgeball

Turtle Crossing!

Sunrise in Stratford

On Splits with Sis. Stutle

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