24th Sep 2018

Beer tastes disgusting!!! Read on for the explanation. 
     Monday we met up with Karen at the Eaton Center downtown which was super fun. We grabbed dinner and headed to Family Home Evening. It was combined with Churchville, so it was a party! We played life size Hungry Hungry Hippos. We had Moray, the person we are teaching, come out to the activity and he really enjoyed himself. 

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     Tuesday was so sweet!! So Sunday on the bus we were talking to this guy Dawit from Nigeria. When Dawit got off the person standing behind us (who had overheard our conversation) started talking to us. He said his name was Abdullah & he had visited Salt Lake City a while ago! We didn't have time to get his number before he got off though, so we just gave him a card and told him to call! He called us Tuesday!! We went out to this Pakistanian place and he bought us dinner and we had a lesson. It was so cool! 🗺 We taught English class too.

We both bought a red dress!
     Wednesday we had a fun day. District Council, lunch with a member who just returned home in June from her mission in Rome, and then exchanges!!! I went to Christie North with Hermana Mckee! It was so much fun and we got to teach three people in Spanish. I learned how to say "Yo testifico de las palabras de mi companiera" which means I testy that what my companion said is true... I think haha! 
Me & Hermana McKee

Love the masks!

Hermana Johnson, me, Hermana McKee & Sis Wehrli

Hermana Johnson and Me

      It ended up being a longer exchange than we thought-- but it was meant to be. We had so much fun and got really close to Hermana McKee. I admire her great attitude. She's on her second last transfer, and her Spanish is so good (she taught me some Spanish during language study). Oh man she's a cutey. 💗 We tried to go to bed for forever, but we were laughing so hard that we couldn't even sleep haha. Oh man. I love exchanges! 

     Friday was exciting, but exhausting. We spent almost ALL day on the TTC traveling back and forth between appointments and it was so busy. Like so packed! It took us almost two hours on the subway + buses to get from downtown, to the chapel...and we were standing up the entire time because it was so packed and busy. 
Lots of teenagers
     Saturday was another exciting day of English Class,  the students!! They are so sweet. When on exchanges, Hermana Johnson and I talked to this guy on the bus who just moved from Mexico and she invited him to the class...and he showed up!! Marco. Now they're going to teach him!!! We also had this dinner appointment (which is really rare for us), hahaha and it was a BBQ type thing with a member, and a bunch of his nonmembers friends we play volleyball with on Thursday nights. So we go over there and this lady- from Russia, but grew up in Israel- is telling us to try this drink she brought, explaining it to be root beer. Sis was like oh alright, I love Root Beer. Wrong! It turned out to be a nonalcoholic beer flavoured drink!! So Sis Wehrli had this HUGE glass and she was so disgusted, but we were sitting at the table with everyone, so she whispers to me that I have to help her. So she chugged half the glass and I chugged the other half. We threw up in the garbage can outside the subway station, on the way home. Never will I ever be tempted to drink...that beer flavoured drink was NASTY!

Our Volleyball group
Sunday was good. Church + a lot of contacting.

     Something I learned this week,
is that we often ask God to change our situation, not realizing He put us in that situation to change us-- and the past 14 months for me have been jam packed with change!! But those changes-- as trying, exhausting, and challenging as they were/are-- they were the things that prodded me to grow the most. 
President Hinckley taught us....
"We have every reason to be optimistic in this world. Tragedy is around, yes. Problems everywhere, yes....You can't, you don't, build out of pessimism or cynicism. You look with optimism, work with faith, and things happen."
So remember that Heavenly Father is on YOUR side! That's what we try hardest to teach people here. We teach people not so they understand God's love and His plan, but so they absolutely cannot misunderstand it. ♥️
Hope you all have a good week and remember to be optimistic and build with faith. 
Love you all. 

"Heck get out of the stang!"

Chicken in a waffle cone?

17 Sep 2018
      So this week has been so much fun! my new companion Sister Wehrli is so great!
We have seen lots of miracles and she is hilarious! 
Companion Unity!

     So brief explanation on the title of this week. We share the car with the Zone Leaders, and we were riding to get groceries today will the elders. We have been trying to decide on a name for the white grand caravan. We all wanted Shelby but Elder McFarland was like;
 "No it reminds me of the new Shelby mustang that just came out. We cant name it after that!"
 So we all started calling it the stang. They were dropping us off, and one off the elder's name is Elder Heck, and he was like; 
"Heck get out of the stang!" 
Anyways, it was pretty funny, but you probably needed to be there in person. 

our bags almost match, Elder Heung and me

1.) We were running after leaving the church after sports night, and we not wearing our regular clothes. We were in our gym clothes, and were standing at the bus stop, which ended up taking 45 minutes... anyways we met this guy named Thomas, and we started talking about the Book of Mormon. He was like wait what? I have always thought that Jesus Christ would visit other people, but that we just didn't have a record of it. We were like; "Yup that's what the Book of Mormon is, the record of Jesus Christ visiting the Ancient Amercas. It's pretty grand." He was really excited to meet up. we taught him this week, and it went really well, so I'm excited!
Davin's baptism 15th Sep 2018

2.) We went to drop by a members, and were walking back to the subway station, this guy walks up to us, and was like; "Are you christian?" We were like, "Yeah." The he said; " I am Satan clause. Yeah, I just made it up, and then he was telling us, when he puts vegetables on the scale it always adds up to 666, and that we shouldn't eat produce. That's when we were like;  "Yeah we gotta go." We were walking away then, and he was yelling;  "Their evil, don't talk to them!" But we got on the subway, and met this really nice guy, who has been to Salt Lake City, to temple square, and he's says; "My friend is on a mission right now." We didn't get to talk to him very long, but we gave him a card. yesterday. He texted us and asked when can we meet up, I want to learn more about your church! It was awesome!
its going fast!

Label Liberation?

Nothing happened on this spot

Aww Cute bunny!

Quote : " Heavenly father is anxiously waiting to reveal the secrets of the universe."
- Jeffrey R. Holland
might as well stretch those calves while waiting for the bus

The market

Riverdale Public Library

Riding the transit

On to new adventures!!!

AttachmentsSep 10, 2018

Sis Bird & I at the mosque

Hey Everyone! So Transfer news is in!
we visited the Ismaili Muslim mosque on pday
     I am staying in Toronto YSA and I am getting Sister Wehrli!  She is from UTAH, so second companion from Utah. Not to shabby haha! Sister Bird is leaving me... sad!😂
This week has been amazing! We met so many people, whom we have actually started teaching! MIRACLES!    
29 Aug 2018 Ossington Zone Conf.
1.) We had an appointment with this guy we are teaching and it went pretty well. We met him at the university, and taught the Plan of Salvation. It was really cool! He is excited to learn more! After we left we had to run up to our dinner appointment on the opposite side of the city, and he rode with us all the way there, so we wouldn't get lost haha!  
Aug 2018 MLC meeting in Brampton
2.) We met another guy on the street, waiting for the bus after dinner, and talked to him for awhile. We met with him yesterday again, and he is really excited to read the Book of Mormon.  He has been going through a hard time, and looking for a lot of guidance in his life. The lesson we had with him yesterday was powerful! We taught the gospel of Jesus Christ, and focused a lot on repentance and changing, so we can have more peace in our lives! It was AMAZING!
The street our church is on in Toronto

3.) The devotional with Elder Cook(an Apostle) was really good for any of you that missed it. You should watch it! It goes over questions people have of Church history! I loved it!
I hope you all have a great week!
Love Sister St. Onge
quote: " It's not the absence of fear, it's overcoming it. Sometimes you've got to blast through and have faith." Emma Watson
Grocery trip with the Elders

To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...