It's Raining Cats and dogs

27 Aug 2018
Downtown Toronto
Hey Everyone! 
     It has been a crazy all over the place week! we have had so much going on! We had zone conference, and we drove the Toronto and Christie sisters with us. Sis Di Ruscio is from Italy, and we were talking about idioms, and she was so confused at some of the things that we say. Some of them are pretty weird...
on Splits with the Hermana Sis..
1.) I went on Exchanges with Hermana Johnson! She is so much fun! We had a lesson with someone that we are teaching, and he is very knowledgeable in the bible. It was really fun though., he would be like; "Can you turn to this chapter please and look up this scripture. So how do you feel about prophets and dispensations?" We are like; "Yeah we believe in that." Then he is says. " What, I cant find anywhere else that does." Its funny because while we were teaching him the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we were like both showing each other scriptures that worked together to explain it. He was so intrigued. He listened to President Nelson's last talk at general conference and he loved it. 
Drive to Zone conference in Toronto traffic. For a distance that takes 1 hour takes you 4 and a half....
2.) We had zone conference this week in Oshawa it was really good! We talked a lot about the restoration and just creating better study habits. It was a good boost! There are so many blessings that have come from the gospel of Jesus Christ, and how God's plan plays a role in our lives! 
This is what the front door at mission home looks like on transfer day!
It has been a great week packed full of adventures, and meeting great and interesting people! I love you all, and hope you have a fantastic week!
Aug 2018 This new Elder is from Milan, Italy when Leilani lived there, so She was excited to see him

Quote " Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over." - Unknown

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To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...