Sorry I accidentally sent this to only one person last week...

26 June 2018
My New Companion, Sis Simonsen & I on Lake Erie
 So here is last week's email...

Howdy Y'all!
This week has been AMAZING!

1. My new comp is Sister Simonsen
Simon-sen just in case you were wondering. She is from San Antonio, Texas! She is a fireball, and I love her already! We have really been trying to work with the Branch, so it's been fun. We haven't had a lot of appointments this week, so we are hitting the streets and did a lot of tracting.... in the rain. haha But it was all good. We also got our bikes out, but they are super old, and my handle bar goes all the way around if you don't put pressure forward. So that has been fun haha!

The Bardows
2. We met this guy named Wes, outside this store downtown a few weeks ago (He was there when the cop was) but we met with him this week and had a really good lesson. He had had a lot of trials and really wants to change his life, so it was really cool. We are trying to get him out to a YSA (Young Single Adult) event so that should be good!
I Love to see the Temple!!
3. We have been doing service every week for this guy named David. He is 78, and the fittest old man I have ever met. But he owns a few houses and we have been helping him weed his gardens. He called us the other day and was like: "I think I want to come to your church and just see what it's like!" So he will hopefully come next week. His wife goes to church, but he's not sure what he believes in, or if he believes in anything. So that was great!
Alma's book & Hairstyling shop
4. So did anyone else watch the youth broadcast with President and Sister Nelson? It was AMAZING! The work is really moving forward and I challenge you all to the social media 1 week fast! The first 6 months of my mission we had flip phones, so it was actually a great experience to step back for a while and see the beauties of this world, literally through my eyes haha! Once you do the fast send me your experience! Also he talked about the gathering of Israel, and preparing your friends and family to hear the gospel, and youth have great opportunities to do this! The main focus of members is to help accomplish the social conversion you invite your friends to do the fun stuff, and then let the missionaries ask them to hear the discussions.

Miracles happen when we work together to share the love we have for our Savior.
1 Nephi 14:14
  And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.

I love you all so much and I am grateful for your examples! Have an amazing week!

Quote: "God wants you, not somebody else, not you in 10 years, not a perfect you, but you right now. "

Cheiko Okazaki

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