
23 Apr. 2018

Bruce!!!! 😊


 Heyo everyone!

rock that Bruce collected and gave me!
It has been a pretty exciting week!
The Lord knows how to work miracles in our lives!
Lake Rosseau on the drive to Sudbury
1.) So Saturday we had a baptism for some kids in our ward. We didn't find out until Wednesday... but we tried to help out to the best of our ability. Saturday morning we came to the church, to help top up the font so it was warm. Then they told us there was a leak in the font, so we had to keep it running right until they got in. The water was really cold.. like polar dip cold. So we started running water from the kitchen sink in pots, to the font to warm up the water, while it was draining. ( It was draining faster than we were filling it...) All while this was happening we had our investigator Bruce there, attending the baptism haha! He loved it so much! They finally reset the water temperature a little bit, before the baptism, but the water was ice cold.  They left the hot water running while they were in there! Noah was baptized first, and looked like a statue going into the water.  Then Anabelle was like; "Holy moly that was cold when she got out, but it was an amazing day! After the baptism, Bruce was like; "I hope that will be me soon. I want to get baptized!" We were like; That's what we are going to talk to you about today!" So we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ and Bruce is preparing to be baptized May 19th!!!!!! 
Peter and Wes!
2.) We had district meeting in Sudbury this week also, and it was really Powerful! We only have live district meeting once a transfer, because we are all so spread out,  but they are always amazing! We talked about repentance and virtue.  Elder Timmins related it to the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's ( They are a group of people in the Book of Mormon who are Lamanites. - The wicked people, who become converted to the Lord, and don't want to be part of that wickedness anymore. At the time, they were warring against their brethren, but they don't want to do that anymore, they just want to serve God. So they change their names to the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's and covenant or promise God, that they will bury their weapons of war and never fight again.)  So we talked about things that we have done or never want to do, and how we can bury them. Then Elder Timmins gave us all paper swords and and we wrote something down on them, then we went outside and dug a hole. We all bore our testimonies on Repentance, and then we buried our weapons of war and covenanted with God to never take them up again. The Spirit was so strong and I know that the Savior is there to help us every step of the way. I challenge any of you, if you have things that need to be buried, that you take it outside and bury it!
Burying our Anti-Nephi-Lehi swords! Elder Payne standing beside me (Larry & Louise Flexhaug's grandson)

It has been a truly AMAZING week and I am excited for what this week brings! love you all!
 Tell my sister; "Hey!!!" this week because she gets home from her mission!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it, it went so fast! 

"Don't let who you used to be hold you back from who you can become"
So beautiful out! On way to Sudbury

our little friend!

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