Ciao Tutti!

18 Sept. 2017

Oh yeah!

Ciao Tutti!
     So this week has been crazy busy! We have met so many people and started teaching a lot more. Monday night we called a less active in our ward who has been a member forever and never comes, but he always introduces us to new people to teach when we finally do meet with him. haha. So we asked if there was a time we could stop by, and he was like "Yeah tomorrow morning". So we got the address and drove the next day, little did we know he invited us to a multicultural meeting with like super rich people in Stratford to talk about incoming refugees. It was held at the fanciest hotel in Stratford in like a beautiful private back room. So  Sister Skeen and I felt very out of place, but we ended up taking one referral, so it turned out ok! He did it again on Saturday, he invited us to meet some new Chinese people in Stratford, but it was just a tour group and they were watching a play so that was interesting. :)
     We had Zone conference in Kitchener this week, so that was great and I got to see some of my district from the mtc!
Zone Conf. Sis Anderson, Elder Stoddard and me. From my MTC group
     Our plans have been all over the place this week. We went out tracting and this guy crossed the street and he was like "I havent seen you around in a while, why did you stop coming?" Ended up he though we were JWs, but we have started teaching him and his girlfriend! 
     Saturday was so crazy we had two appointments, but both fell through. We then ended up having 5 lessons, so it turned out great! We called an old referral and he was like "Come over today! I won't be there but my family will!" They are super interested and their daughter Priyanka is so awesome! She is going into neuroscience and wants to learn more, so I'm excited to teach their family! 
Anyways it's been a great week, since we lost a few investigators last week!  
Love you all! Have an amazing week!
Making Chocolate cookies without a recipe

Sis Skeen cooking

I'm a pirate! Ahoy!

At the park in town

Learning how to crochet booties with Young women.

One of the kids in the Branch

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