Make your Destiny a Reality.

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Hey All!
this week was pretty great week!
- we played Zone sports in Kitchener, had a BBQ and played flour dodgeball! (Which I won...)
- Tuesday I woke up with a bruised and swollen foot that I could barely walk on and I have been sleep walking lately so we are blaming it on that.
-later on, still on Tues.   we were sitting in the emergency room for 5 hours before they got me in to get an x-ray, but it's all good just a bruised tendon.
- Wednesday we had a lesson with Vishal.

He is progressing quickly and it's so amazing, he is so prepared for this Gospel. He committed to baptism but he is moving back to India in two weeks, so it will be the Elders there that get him over there, but that's Okay!
- Thursday we went to a member’s house and she does like blood exams and is really into essential oils and acupuncture. So she fixed me up and I can walk!  it was kind of weird, but also cool as she took a blood sample from pricking our fingers and told us what we were lacking and gave us a bunch of vitamins and stuff so that was sweet!
- We had exchanges, so I did a lot of tracting with a sister training leader from Kitchener. That was fun, and we found a new investigator that has met with the missionaries a few years ago, but she might be ready now, so that's exciting!
- General woman's conference was amazing and so inspiring, and I'm so excited for general conference next weekend!
- Our branch is pretty great, but when it comes to making decisions not so much. haha Our council meetings are pretty funny. I'm pretty sure our Branch pres. and first counsellor are going to start a company to build personal laser tanks, so people can play laser tanks in the forest. haha!
It's been a pretty slow week because I couldn't walk very much for most of it, but we had some really amazing lessons and this week is going to be amazing too! Love you all, have an amazing week!
Make your Destiny a Reality.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Bradly Building in Goderich
Love Sister St. Onge
Goderich Lighthouse on Lake Huron

Goderich Town hall

Centre of Goderich

Along a beach outside of Goderich, Lake Huron

old CPR railway station now a restaurant in Goderich

Ciao Tutti!

18 Sept. 2017

Oh yeah!

Ciao Tutti!
     So this week has been crazy busy! We have met so many people and started teaching a lot more. Monday night we called a less active in our ward who has been a member forever and never comes, but he always introduces us to new people to teach when we finally do meet with him. haha. So we asked if there was a time we could stop by, and he was like "Yeah tomorrow morning". So we got the address and drove the next day, little did we know he invited us to a multicultural meeting with like super rich people in Stratford to talk about incoming refugees. It was held at the fanciest hotel in Stratford in like a beautiful private back room. So  Sister Skeen and I felt very out of place, but we ended up taking one referral, so it turned out ok! He did it again on Saturday, he invited us to meet some new Chinese people in Stratford, but it was just a tour group and they were watching a play so that was interesting. :)
     We had Zone conference in Kitchener this week, so that was great and I got to see some of my district from the mtc!
Zone Conf. Sis Anderson, Elder Stoddard and me. From my MTC group
     Our plans have been all over the place this week. We went out tracting and this guy crossed the street and he was like "I havent seen you around in a while, why did you stop coming?" Ended up he though we were JWs, but we have started teaching him and his girlfriend! 
     Saturday was so crazy we had two appointments, but both fell through. We then ended up having 5 lessons, so it turned out great! We called an old referral and he was like "Come over today! I won't be there but my family will!" They are super interested and their daughter Priyanka is so awesome! She is going into neuroscience and wants to learn more, so I'm excited to teach their family! 
Anyways it's been a great week, since we lost a few investigators last week!  
Love you all! Have an amazing week!
Making Chocolate cookies without a recipe

Sis Skeen cooking

I'm a pirate! Ahoy!

At the park in town

Learning how to crochet booties with Young women.

One of the kids in the Branch

Plan of Salvation

11 Sep 2017

Hey Mom this week has been crazy but good.
  I don't have a lot of time to email today because we are going to Kitchener to play sports. That's so crazy! Yeah the weather has been crazy! 
Stratford City Hall
      We got dropped by four people, but found some great new investigators,  one came to church.
      We were supposed to email earlier but the laundry place was closed, so we are doing laundry at a member's house and it's taking longer. The branch here is so great, and the branch pres had us over for dinner last night and asked so many questions about dating and stuff. They are so funny and kind! I had to give a talk at church with no notice yesterday, so that was scary but I think I did alright! Then we taught Young Women's. 
     We were in Goderich visiting some of our investigators, stopped at subway and were coming out then killed a spider on our car, and this young guy asked us if we got it? I was like "Yeah"! We talked to him about bugs for a few min and then we were just teaching a lesson about Christ, and then he was like wanna teach me? He is already so prepared and we are meeting with him tomorrow! So I'm excited to teach him. He is Hindu, but always has been curious about Christ, so we'll see! 
    It was Sis. Skeen's birthday, and we made a Cake. 
Happy Birthday Sis. Skeen!

We went to City Hall and also asked the police if it was okay to draw with chalk on the sidewalk around the park. They didn't think there should be a problem, So we did! We drew out the "Plan of Salvation" (Happiness), and people then asked us questions, which worked out great! Creativity!
We had fun!
All things that family should be!
What the world teaches us, and then families become. 

Where did we come from?

Why are we here?

Where are we going?

Where we can be together forever!

Such colourful hands sharing the Gospel of Christ
 1st Corinthians 15:39-41, John 14:2,
Have a great week!

Stratford, Ontario

A little information about Stratford, Ontario where I am now serving with Sis. Skeen 30 Aug. 2017-

 Some of the old homes in Stratford

 In the parks

 Gallery of Art

Come and experience North America's finest repertory company – The Stratford Festival.

It’s hard to believe that the very first performance featured Sir Alec Guinness performing in a tent on the banks of the Avon River. What followed has been over 60 years of remarkable productions and performances, with the Festival’s stages graced by an international Who's Who of the theatre world. As Mozart is to Salzburg and Wagner is to Bayreuth, Shakespeare is to Stratford. The Stratford Festival is, quite simply, Canada’s premier theatre arts festival.
Stretching from late April until early November, the Festival invites you to immerse yourself in all things theatrical. With four stages, each season offers visitors up to eight productions a day, appealing to all styles and tastes.
Stratford Festival of Arts Theatre
Midsummer's Night's dream

Shakespeare in the park

Theater in Stratford

                                             Ghosts of Stratford Theatrical Walking Tours

Since 1983, the Stratford Chefs School has set the standard of excellence for culinary training in Canada graduating over 700 alumni who now contribute to our distinctive Canadian cuisine.
Between October and March each year, the School is proud to offer our celebrated Dinner Series. As part of their training, students rotate through kitchen positions to produce new menus daily under the guidance of the School's faculty of esteemed local chefs and guest chefs from across Canada and around the world.

Follow the Savour Stratford Chocolate Trail

“Stratford: come for the chocolate, stay for the plays.” It could be our motto — we’re the perfect destination for chocoholics.

So many different places to try the different chocolates

The Stratford Kiwanis Festival of the Performing Arts -- longest running festival in Ontario...
Close to 1,000 entries were received in some 470 classes  for the 91st annual Kiwanis Festival of the Performing Arts, April 3 to 21, 2017. Winners take home some 100 trophies and up to $15,000 in cash. Top performers appear in a Stars of the Festival Concert at Avondale United Church in Stratford on May 1.

Stratford Kiwanis Garlic Festival

 Stratford stinks.... but only once a year! Plan to Attend the 11th Annual Stratford Kiwanis Garlic Festival on September 9 &10, 2017

To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...