It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

19 Nov 2018

Sis Clay & I
Hey Everyone!
     Please excuse my laziness. I know it has been a few weeks since I wrote an email... 
This week has been packed full of goodness. We had exchanges with the Creditview sisters in Brampton, which was really fun. I went to Brampton with Sister Lindsey. It was a lot of fun, and we had some real quality conversations on this random street, while hanging up posters for English class. I managed to inhale a piece of tape while tearing it, to put up the posters which was fun, but all is well! 
Elder & Sis Anderson from Taber & Sis Lindsey
     We met this lady who was really interested in the Book of Mormon, that we talked to for like 30 min., and she was really excited for us to come back!  It was a good time! 
     Wednesday we had exchanges with the Churchville YSA Sisters which was fun. They are in a trio so I went with Sister Lin and Sister McLaughlin. They are a party! We had a few lessons, and they are teaching this really solid guy, that they found a few weeks ago, who is so prepared. It is awesome! They taught him about the restoration, and he was just super excited about it. He has been coming to church and reading the Book of Mormon. He is getting baptized in a few weeks. It's really cool!

     We had zone conference this week which was really good. We talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ and what is means to us. Each aspect of it, and how it effects our lives. Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the End. We got to give an instruction in our zone breakout. That was really cool! We just asked a bunch of questions, thinking about our conversion to our Savior. 
A few from my MTC group Sis. Anderson, Smith & Me, Elders at MLC
Example questions:
Faith-How has your faith deepened through trials and testing?
Repentance- How have you felt the Savior's love, as you have earnestly prayed for forgiveness? 
Baptism - How have you taken Christ's name upon you?
Gift of the Holy Ghost - What is your most powerful spiritual experience,: and why is it so powerful to you?
Enduring to the End -How has the gospel of Jesus Christ changed you? 

     I definitely know that The Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed my life and that the experiences I have had I can never deny. I feel so blessed to have the knowledge that God has a plan for each of us and that we have so much divine potential. 
     I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! 

Quote :  "If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow." President Shields ( Obviously the best mission president ever)

no group letter this week

12 Nov. 2018

So Leilani did not have time to write this week. But told me she has been super busy doing exchanges, being very sick, and having fun with Sis. Clay doing missionary work. Elder Anderson (from mission office)phoned and let me know that she was doing great! they are singing in the Stake Choir, and speaking, but that they were visiting the whole time inbetween. She was leaving today to go on exchanges again, and will be eating with the Andersons Tues. night. So I told him to tease her lots.  He said he does anyways.  She did send some pictures of her district.

Gluten free Pizza we made

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Water drinking competitions and best friends!

5 Nov. 2018

My new Companion Sis Clay & I
Hey everyone!
     This week was pretty great! We had a busy week, but have been a bit sick, but it was good. I havent had a computer to write with, so no letter last week, and short this week.

     So I was transferred to Mississauga, as you know and am with Sis. Clay from Pocatello. I am still an STL so will be going on splits still with other sisters. 
Mississauga Skyline at dusk
     We have been teaching this boy named David he is 10 and he is the best! His mom is a less active member but she is really nice. She has been coming to church with him. He really wants to be baptized, and she was on board this week, and we have started somewhat teaching her too. It's hard because she doesn't really speak English, so we have to get someone to come translate Mandarin, but it's going really well! 
Bayview mandarin Besties!
      We had MLC this week which was really good. They talked a lot about obedience and how it can be passive or active,  but it's really our attitude to everything that we do. It was really good. Also the end of MLC they get all the departing missionaries to bear there testimonies, and all the sisters going home have been my companions. Sad.😪 It's really amazing to see all the things they have accomplished, and how we have all changed throughout our missions. So grateful for them!!! Everything is by divine design that's for sure! 
Anyways I hope you all have a great week, love you!

Sister Leilani St. Onge

Quote: " Darkness cannot overcome darkness only light can do that. Hatred cannot overcome hatred only love can do that" Martin Luther King JR. 
 Elder McFarland
Marilyn Munrow towers

Fall Colours in Riverwood Park

To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...