Spiritual High!

9 Apr. 2018

Spiritual High!

 Best week ever!!!!!!!!! 
We got to attend the Temple in Toronto this week. Sis Smith & me!

Hey how is everyone doing? I hear you are still all suffering in the snow... I am not jealous!
Just a little snow, by the PERRY sign. LOL
 1.)  Wednesday we went to the temple and it was so amazing. I think it was the best time I have ever been in the temple so far.  The temple is definitely heaven sent and the Lord’s house! I am so grateful for the peace and joy it brings to my life! 

2.) Elder S. Gifford Nielson of the seventy came to our Zone Conference, which was amazing!
 I learned so much! In the afternoon they (The AP's)  were like okay: “We are going to have people bare their testimonies now.” I thought, “Yeah there are a lot of departing missionaries this transfer.” Then Elder Ballard started calling names. He called my MTC companion, Sister Anderson, and I was like; “Oh man it's free game.” Then he called my name, I literally died on the inside my heart, it was racing so fast, then I had to walk up there and sit down. I had to bear my testimony in front of half of the mission and a General Authority... There were 14 of us, and we each had a minute. I was sitting up there, and I probably looked like a train wreck, or like I was going to pass out or something, because Elder Nielson winked at me. I have no idea what I said, and I think I was super awkward, but the spirit was really strong. As I went down, I shook his hand and I just started to cry for the rest of the meeting. It was super powerful. Also it was definitely inspired though, because it really just confirmed all the things that I have been learning and experienced this week!

3.) I had exchanges with the great Sister Hollyman!   So much fun! 
Miracles, we went and dropped by some formers and started knocking doors before our appointment, and every door we knocked on had either met the missionaries before, and some of them had met with them and been taught some. So we met a bunch of former investigators that we set appointments with. That was super sweet! We had a lesson with their new investigator and gave him a church tour. Then we just talked about the Book of Mormon a bit. He stayed up all night reading all of it, and he wants to come to church and bring his friend. Some people are more prepared than others, but that was really cool.

First Vision at the Church
Love you all have an amazing week!


Say cheese!

Primary missionaries in our branch!

Trying out B&W

Elder Stephens my first and best District leader so far!

Last time I will see him!

Sister Skeen and I. Finally got to see her before she goes home!

a beautiful sunrise

Exchanges with the Holy- Orange

"If you feel a little overwhelmed take that as a good sign. It indicates that you can sense the magnitude of trust God has placed in you."
Henry B. Eyring

Selfie with Sis. Smith & I

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