Fire Alarms, Slamming on brakes, and Transfer calls...

12 Feb. 2018
Gateway to Muskoka Country

Fire Alarms, Slamming on brakes, and Transfer calls...

 Hey Everyone! 

Some pretty amazing things have happened this week but it has also been a rough one...

1.) We found 3 new investigators, and two of them actually seem kinda solid! So we are pretty excited about that!
Gravenhurst, Ont. opera house
2.)   This week has been really great, we found a new investigator where we were tracting in a rather sketchy part of Gravenhurst. We knocked on this door, and as soon as her son opened the door the fire alarm went off. He closed it, and said; " Mom there are two strange girls here!" She came to the door, and when she opened it, the dog ran out.  In my mind I was thinking if I catch this dog, she will let us in! So I go running and Sister Grover is following behind, and I caught it! We walked back to the apartment, and she was like; "Yeah come on in!" She had a lot going on that night, but she had met with the elders once a few years ago. She didn't really remember why they stopped coming, so she invited us back! Sometimes promptings are a bit weird, when you are chasing some strangers dog down the road, but it was totally worth it! Christ's hands are in our lives and it is so amazing to see how he prepares others and myself to do his work!

3.) We were leaving Gravenhurst, and driving down the street on the edge of town, and Sister Grover slams on the brakes and says; '' We are going to knock on that door!'' So we turned around, went over there, and there was snow piled up all in front of this house, but we finally found a little trail to the side of the house. We knocked, and this lady answers, and we told her our purpose, and why we were knocking so late.  She was like; " I'm baptist but you can come next week and share a message with me and my kids! So we are so excited. Miracles Are REAL! 
Wharf on Muskoka lake at Gravenhurst, Ont
4.) Sad part... Transfer calls were last night and we made it to 10 :30 with no call. Usually they call from 9 - 10:30,  but Elder Ballard called us at 10:36... Sister Grover is leaving me to go to a young single adult(YSA)ward to work in Brampton! I am going to miss her a ton! But guess what? My new comp is....... Jenny Smith! From Granum, AB! So it's going to be a flippin sweet transfer!  

Love you all so much! Have an amazing week! Happy Valentines day! 
Polar Bear plunge at winter festival in Gravenhurst, Ont.

1 John 4:7-11
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of Godand knoweth God.
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
11 Beloved, if God so loved uswe ought also to love one another.
Boat races in Gravenhurst, Ont.

Miss-Supertest-III-Raceboat1The greatest Race boat show in Canada history


Skimming on Muskoka Lake

Steamboats in Winter

Gravenhurst, Ont. steamboats

Largest Muskoka chair in the world

looking down on cabins on Muskoka Lake at Gravenhurst, Ont

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