Arrival in Toronto!!

5 Aug 2017
Sis Maires. Smith and Me in our classroom

Loving it!
Hey everyone!
     This week has been so crazy and so amazing! My Pday will be usually on Monday but there was a holiday Monday so it's Tuesday this week. That will happen every time there is a holiday.

Sis Anderson my MTC Companion

Deep contemplation!
Sis Carlee Ash

Sis Maires

Saying goodbye to Carlee Ash, She leaves for Spain this week.

     We left the Provo MTC at 5 in the morning , and it was the most hectic journey to the airport ever! We had to carry all our luggage ( 3 suitcases) on two different trains and get it all off in two minutes. So we made an assembly line chucking things all over the place to be fast enough. It was the longest day.
Sis Maires & Smith on the train. Headed to the Airport

We are excited to be going!, even though it is 5am.

The five Canadians waiting for the Americans. lol

lots of Luggage, waiting to get through customs!

on the train in Salt Lake, We are finally going!
Elder Earl
     We made it to Toronto and there were five Canadians and the rest were American. Then we waited an hour and a half for them to get through immigration so Sis Smith and I pulled everything off the bag pickup, and put it all on trolleys. We finally had everyone through and went out to meet Pres & Sis Shields. They are so great! Then we waited for the APs to pick us up to load the luggage, but the people wouldn't let them park, and told us we needed a permit. So again we waited and they got one, but then they ended up not even needing one, so he argued with this lady for like an hour telling her they have been doing it for the last 25 years and have never needed a permit! But anyways that made us late getting to Brampton. Then we had the best meal ever! Later we had a quick meeting and went to bed.
     Monday we got our trainers and it was hard to say goodbye to my sisters and elders from the MTC. Our elders finally made it to Texas this week so they are excited to be serving. 
Hard to say goodbye to my Comp. Sis Anderson and my other two roomates, Sis. Smith and Maires.
      My trainer is Sister Skeen from Bountiful, Utah! She is so great, positive and very encouraging so it's been a great week!

With my new Trainer Sis Skeen

Here is all the new Greenies in Brampton! We're ready!

Pres and Sis Shields. My Mission Pres!
     I'm serving in Stratford! The area is huge, so it's alot of travel and not a lot of kilometers, so we have to use them wisely. Our branch here is tiny, it's like 20 people. There used to be about 100, but lots moved when the economy got rough. So the work here is good. We have quite a few investigators and a few with baptismal dates, and a few that are working towards it. 
     It has been pretty cold the last week and it poured yesterday. 
We are wet!

Pouring outside!
Then on my first day here, we were street contacting downtown and found this guy named Justin. He was super awesome and looking for something more in his life, so agreed to meet with us. Only he had just moved to Stratford and doesn't have a phone plan yet, so we didn't get a number and since then have been looking for him ever since. We parked at our spot outside our apartment and there is a park across from the apartment and I thought I saw him. So we went up to this guy and he looked similar to Justin but it wasn't him, We talked to him for a half hour. He was having a rough day and was just walking around, then says "This is so Random". 
     Then I was so blunt to him and said; " Sometimes God just puts things in our path that we don't even know we need." 
     Sister Skeen was kinda like uhh, "So do you believe in God"?  
     Then we talked to him for a half hour, and talked about how much coming to know God can bless your life. We are meeting with Slade on Thursday. We asked him if he would like to learn more and he was like, " If I say yes what does that mean?" 
      It was kinda funny, and he was a bit shocked about how random it was, but it was so cool. He was like "I've never really thought about it and I've got an open mind so sure!" 
     So I'm really excited. 
 The branch here is really great! Though they're tiny, but mighty! 
     This week is going to be great!
Love you all bye! 
Sis. St. Onge
Sis Skeen and I

So Pretty! A Chinese lantern flower. The spread like crazy!

The pond by the park. 

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