To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018

Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen...
1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. She is really fun! We got to teach this guy named Ziyad, he is Muslim, but we have been meeting with him for a while. We gave him a church tour a few weeks ago, and he really loved it. Then he came to our ward game night which was really fun! 
I love Mississauga celebration square
2. We attended a wedding! It was really amazing! Friday we got a call asking Sister Clay if she would play the piano, and she said yes, so she played as the bride walked down the isle. It was so cute! It was really fun to help out, and they will always remember where there wedding took place! They needed a church to get married in, and no other church would let them, because they have two kids. But at least now they are married!
English Class
3. David the little boy we have been teaching got baptized!!!!!! It was the best and he loved it. He was so excited, and last time we saw him he was like, "I have been waiting for this for so long!" We filled up the font and during the program it drained a ton, so he had to sit down and then lean back to be immersed. haha! But it was really cute! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to share the gospel and to really the see the joy it brings when people really apply it, and see the changes in their lives! I am truly blessed!
David's baptism!
Love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! Light the World starts next week. the opportunity to reach out and serve those in your community and neighbourhood and family! Got to if you want to see the calendar and the videos for some ideas! 
Lunch with Sister Jo. She is literally the best ever!

"All testimonies are built on the foundation of gratitude" 
Got to see Sis. Wehrli again

1 and done...

3 Dec. 2018
Sis Clay and I

This week has been packed full of fun events!!!

Nov Zone Conference.
1. We got called Tuesday morning to go do some service at this Chinese nursing home. Yee Hong. A member works there, and she needed help bringing some residents down to play drums for their activity. So we went and helped them out! It was really fun haha. There is this Filipino lady that lives there. We walked in and she was like "Do you speak English?" We were like, yes. She said"Oh good, because I never know what's going on!" The activity was in Cantonese and Mandarin and everyone that works there speaks those. But it was really cute. After we visited with one of our members that lives there, she is 93 and speaks 5 languages. She would almost finish her story and then she would say. "Oh it's just a mess. Life is just a mess!" It's TRUE, though things never turn out just the way that we think they will. Things don't happen to us they happen for us. It's what we choose to do with it :)

District 13... it's been fun!
2. We had a English class Christmas party, and we got everyone to bring a treat from the country that they are from. It was really awesome. We taught them some Christmas songs, and had a talent show. It was really cute! We have started meeting with some of them, and they have changed a lot since they started coming. It's really cool to see. 
Drum class at the Seniors home

Exchanges with Sis Hudson and Me
3. My new companion is Sister Shen! She is coming back. She was my companion for the first week of last transfer, but she is coming back here for my last transfer! It's crazy how fast it all went!

Sugar Marmalade with Anthony!
4. We play badminton with a bunch of Chinese people on Friday nights. There is a couple that comes, and they are the best! Sharon and James. They invited us for dinner Sunday night. So we went and Sharon brought her super, cute mom. We had hot pot! They just kept putting food in and onto our plates. I felt like I was going to explode, but it was so good! Then they made us play ping pong before we could leave. I almost got beat by an 80 year old woman. Hahaha! It has been a  really great week, and a really blessed transfer! 

Love you all DON'T forget to light the WORLD!!!
The Lowes from Cardston

Quote :
Dont procrastinate, you will have regrets. 
Sister Clay

To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...