This week has been full of miracles and so many blessings!

27 Nov. 2017

Me, Sis Hudson & and great young man, Sam!
Hey everyone!
     This week has been full of miracles and so many blessings! 
 We started doing service at this place in Stratford called “House of Blessing” which is an organization where people donate food, clothing or housewares, and those in need can come get what they need for free! It is so amazing and the people that volunteer there are so great! 

     Sister Hudson has been sick and dizzy which is sad but I have gotten to Drive yay! It's weird after not driving for 4 months. haha. Also she is a trooper and is doing a bit better now.

- Our investigator Sam is so amazing. He came to church yesterday, and he really loved it! It's the last time he will get to come for a bit, because he is going hunting for two months ( sad.Sad Face with No Fill) When we first met him, he was not interested in changing religion and he grew up Presbyterian. He has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday, and he is starting to see the blessings and changes in his life. After church we were talking about his experience, and he was like " If I change my mind and want to be baptized, will you two be there?" It was so amazing! So I wrote President Shields and asked, “So will we be here?  We are hoping so! It's amazing the experiences people have in Christ's Gospel!

The ”Light of the World” video's are out, and they are so great! Go check them out, and get into the Christmas spirit! “25 ways to do service in 25 days”, for the people around you.  and for those of you who aren't churchy, they are just great ways we can do something for those around us!

Love you all have an amazing week!
Love Sister St. Onge

Brittany and I having fun on Snap chat!!! lol
Sis Hudson and Brittany. Like our glasses?

transfer calls were last night and the horrendous waiting for phone calls experience is over

20 Nov. 2017
Sis Hudson and I 
     Hey everyone, transfer calls were last night and the horrendous waiting for phone calls experience is over, and we are stoked to stay in Stratford!
     we had a pretty great week!
1.) We went bowling with the Elders Monday for Pday. It was so fun! 
2.) One of our investigators played the piano in sacrament meeting for us. It was a little too jazzy, but it went really well! haha!
3.) We invited Murray to play for us, and Sam our other investigator to watch, President Olson thought that was pretty smart. haha. It was great and Sam wants to come back!  
4.) We had the face to fact broadcast with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard. (two of our Apostles) It was super good and we watched it at the Pitman's, with Britney our super awesome investigator! So that was super fun! 
5.) Two minutes before the broadcast, we wanted to find a new investigator, and we hadn't all day. So we prayed, and walked down the street for a minute, and we met this guy named Josh, who we are going to meet with this week! Miracles!
6.) “Light the world” initiative is coming up, and I am so excited, so everyone get prepared! The video and calendar is so great! I encourage you all to participate and serve those around you! 
Love you all,
 have an amazing week!
Love, Sister St.Onge!

Related image 

Stratford City Hall

Stratford Branch 

Me with an Echinechia flower

Sis Hudson and I downtown.

Full of smiles

Staying over with the Sis. of Guelph. Sis Smith & Daniels

With one of the family members in Stratford

With our Stratford Branch Pres and his family!

Waterloo-Kitchner district! Sis Hudson and me, Elders Hansen, Elder Bakker, Elder Cook, Elder Hafen, Kneeling Elders Garner & Gutierrez

It snowed here!!!!

13 Nov. 2017

It snowed here!!!! In the Stratford Park

Hey everyone! The snow has hit here in the heart of Stratford! Most of it melted, but it snowed again last night. We have seen some pretty amazing things this week!

1.) We had zone conference with Elder Kevin W. Pearson and his wife. It was so amazing and he taught us a lot on how to act in faith and be converted. He showed us some pretty cool tracting skills. Zone conf. was fun!
Elder Kevin W. Pearson of the Seventy
2.) We stayed in Guelph on Monday night with the sisters there and it was great to see Sis Jenny Smith from Home!   It was nice to catch up with Jenny and it's hard to call her Sis Smith. I forget alot, but so does she. haha. It's weird that I am almost done training, and I have been out for 3 months and a week! It's going by so fast, this transfer was a blink of an eye.
McDonnal St. In Guelph, Ont. 

Sis Hudson, Daniels, Smith and me, staying in Guelph before Zone Conf.
Sis Jenny Smith and me
Sis Daniels and Me.
 3.) We got one of our investigators to play the piano for us next Sunday, while me and Sister Hudson sing a hymn, but he doesn't read music, he plays by ear and he used to play in clubs so its a bit jazzy but, IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME!

On Wednesday we met an Amish minister and got to learn more about his faith! So cool and interesting. That evening we were tracting and met some other cool people - hunters, who had three deer hanging in their garage that we got to check out.
4.) We were at Tim Horton's the same time as Justin Beiber! ( but just the wrong one in Stratford...) 
5.) This same investigator(#3) which by the way is 75. He was at the right Tim Horton's and was so excited to meet him(Justin Beiber). He is a really big fan and petitioned that one of the streets in Stratford be named after him!!! :) He told him this! hahaha He has always wondered if he would ever run into him in Stratford, he finally got his wish. 
Justin Beiber- born March 1, 1994) is a Canadian singer and songwriter. Raised in Stratford, Ont.
 6.) I got to give a talk in sacrament meeting on acting in faith! Dallin H. Oaks said " Testimony is to feel and believe, conversion is to act and to become." 
 7.) Tracting miracle! Sister Hudson and I were talking about how sometimes you hear about missionaries getting let into someone's home while tracting. and guess what the next day it happened! The second house we knocked on this guy was like, "Yeah come on in and share a message!" We met his wife at Walmart last pday and she is super nice. She grew up Lutheran but was excited to learn more! We taught them the message of the Restored gospel - that our loving Heavenly Father called Joseph Smith to be His prophet in the early 1820s, and that since then we have had a living prophet at the head of Christ's restored church ever since. 
           I love Sister Hudson so much and I hope we get another transfer together. We bought our transfer predictions this week. We buy a kinder egg and what ever is in it you prophecy your transfer... I got a car, and she got a dinosaur. I think I'm leaving, or maybe she is, and I'll be driving, but I think it's me that's going. That is usually the pattern. After you train you follow up training someone else, so we will see or I'll just get a new companion. 
     I'm excited, and I hope I am in Stratford for Christmas though. The branch here is the best and I love them all so much, and we finally have some solid investigators!
It was a pretty busy week!
 Love you all, stay warm !!! 
Sister St. Onge <3
YW in Stratford Branch

Me with our pet snail Shibby!

Sis Hudson & I downtown Stratford on Pday

Sis Hudson on our Pday!

My Bro. Morgan's St. and he served in Simcoe, Ont. on his mission
Snow in the park in Stratford, Ontario

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