Go Ye Therefore!

26 Aug. 2017

Hey everyone!
     So this week was pretty GREAT! We got our flight plans last week and we fly out Monday morning at 5am to Toronto! I'm super excited to get out in the field and start teaching, but I'm also super nervous. 
     The MTC food is literally the most disgusting food ever! We have burgers or Mexican food for almost every meal so I have been living on soup, wraps and vending machine ice cream ( From BYU creamery which is amazing!). 
     Every Monday we do service at 6 30 a.m. and we clean one of the buildings on campus. so our sisters usually help clean one of the floors of the new building. Last week we were like 5 minutes late and they made us stay longer so we were early this week and like 5 min before we were done, the guy was like; "Can you wash down all the doors on this floor?" So we were late for class, because we sprinted to get breakfast, but other than that the rest of the day was good. 
     The solar eclipse was Monday, and they sent out a memo saying not to look at it, unless you had the special glasses so you wouldn't damage your eyes. So around lunch there were a lot of people outside and lots had the glasses so I got to see some of it which was pretty sweet!  
      We had a finding activity outside, to find new investigators to teach this week. but there were a lot of the same people and two huge districts just came in so they took most of them. We taught our investigator Allex after that. She is the best! She is so cute, and I love her. She tries so hard to keep her commitments, and this week on our last lesson with her she committed to baptism! So I was super happy! 
      Monday afternoon our big sisters from next door, left. They were so awesome! We would have shower choir with them haha. But two of them left. Sis Francis from Hawaii and Sis Fisi'ahhi from California, and they are serving in Provo. So Sis Piekarski came to stay in our room for the last night which was cool.
We stayed up way too late though, and then woke up super early so that sucked. We dropped her off and went to take a quick nap because I was dying. In our dorm there are 4 of us and 3 bunk beds and its the best. Then Wednesday morning we were talking about how much it would suck to get more sisters in our room, when the new batch came in. As I was just laying down our new room mates got there. haha.  But they are super great and a lot of fun. Our room is a little crazy now because we are all trying to pack, and they are all unpacking so its a bit of a disaster. Hopefully I can fit everything in my bags and have them under 50 pounds because one is already over...whoops. :)
      We have had some really great classes this week, and our district got interviewed to send the report to the first presidency on how the Pilot district is going, so Pres Monson is going to see it!
 Our main teachers schedule was changed, so we have some new teachers and they have been really great too. We have  just been reviewing and practicing teaching a bunch which is good.
Concentrating hard!

My District!!!

Our district is singing a "Childs Prayer" in sacrament meeting on Sunday, so I'm excited. It sounds pretty good! That was pretty much my week. Oh, we went to the temple today and ate at the cafeteria after. It is 100% better than MTC food! So that was amazing! 
Sis. Maires, Smith, St. Onge & Anderson in front of the Provo Temple
      Anyways love you all and have an amazing week!

Love Sis L.St. Onge!
Here's the two Canucks, Sis. Smith from Raymond and me!
Sis. St. Onge & Smith  The Canucks

New Pilot Project

12 Aug. 2017

Hey everyone!
      So this week has been pretty crazy and exciting. My district ( group of sisters and elders) are in a new pilot program because they are rewriting some of "Preach my Gospel", so we get to practice some of the new stuff and start teaching real investigators Monday, instead of teachers and pretend investigators. It's pretty cool but I am also super nervous!
     My companion is Sister Anderson from Arimo, Idaho and is super fun. She is always positive, very uplifting, always relating things to the gospel and we get along super well. There are 4 sister in my district and they are amazing too! We are doing pretty much everything together. One is from Raymond (Sis. Smith)and the other is from Draper, Utah(Sis. Maires).
Sisters, Smith(Raymond) Maires, (Draper, Utah), Anderson (Arimo, Idaho) and St. Onge Roomates!
     We have had some really amazing classes on seeing everyone through God's eyes and it was so amazing. The teachers are so great and I love my district so much already. There are 7 of us going to Toronto and they other Elders are going to Houston, Texas south. The spirit is so strong here and everyone is learning so much and helping teach each other.  My companion and I got to teach our first investigator yesterday and it was alright, we defiantly have a lot to improve on, but we are learning lots and different ways to approach people so they are not freaked out and slowly working into the lessons. It was one of our sit in teachers, so she got to give us feed back after which was nice so we can prepare better for next time. We always have so much to do and working on so much I don't think we have enough hours in the day to get done what we need to, but I'm starting to get better at multitasking.
My District in the MTC

Sis. Maires, Smith, St. Onge and Anderson in front of the Provo Temple 12 Aug 2017
Sis. St. Onge with Hermana Carlee Ash(Cardston) first day in MTC 9 Aug. 2017

      Today was our Preparation day so we got to do a session at the Provo temple and then we had a nap which was very needed. Laundry here takes forever because there are 3000 missionaries and everyone with pday today goes around the same time, so we had to sit in a really moist hot room for like an hour and a half waiting for laundry but I'm glad its only once a week.
I'm so grateful for this experience and I love and miss you all!
Have an AMAZING week!
Sister L. St. Onge

Entering the MTC

Sister Leilani St. Onge entered the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, August 9, 2017.
Visitor center at Provo City Center Temple

In front of the Provo City Center Temple with, Mom, Rachel, Adaline and MaryAnn Moon 9 Aug 2017

Time to go

being escorted by another sister. Goodbye honey!
Chandelier in the new building of MTC



To blessed to be stressed

26 Nov. 2018 Biggest Lindt. Chocolate I have ever seen... 1.  I went on exchanges with Hermana Dickey from Utah. ...